Page 21 – The REAL Best Album Ever


Merry so-and-so, jerks and jerkettes!

I hope everyone had nearly as good a Christmas as I did (not that that’s possible). I recieved a bunch of stuff that I wanted. Wahoo! I got me Season 1 of Angel and Napoleon Dynamite on DVD. Great stuff, great stuff…

I got my Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar book, which was cool. Plus I got the America book by the Daily Show guys, a nice hardback Battlefield: Earth and a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and philosophy.

in the world of music, I got Eric Johnson’s “Ah Via Musicom” (which I already owned but it was signed by him so I didn’t really wanna carry it around), “Physical Graffiti” by Zep, “Magical Mystery Tour” by the Beatles, “Fire Garden” by Steve Vai, and the soundtrack to the Buffy musical episode.

got some yu-gi-oh cards.. and some cool shirts, too.

tomorrow i’m going to, i don’t know… sit on my butt again. catch ya later!
-happy birthday, Jesus!!!

Added June 22, 2016
“Kangaroommate” made me laugh too much. Jesus.
I used to believe “Abby Road” was the best album ever, but “Physical Graffiti” might be the real answer.
Yu-Gi-Oh cards… Ugh.
We can’t be proud of every choice we make in our lives. Usually don’t have to admit to them, either.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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