Page 21 – The Redeadening

Justin: Man of Action 2 – The Redeadening

Justin is coming to the house tomorrow. That will be freaking awesome, or at least that is what I am told.

I can’t wait to start watching Angel, but I have to wait for my mother to get “in the mood,” which could be awhile, actually. Who knows? I wish I had the seven and a half billion dollars needed to buy season 2 now, though, since I’ll just want to watch it at the end of the first season. but, oh well.

Rachel, yu-gi-oh doesn’t suck. and as for “what you know,” scientists have been trying to figure that out for years and are coming up empty-handed. just kidding… or am i….?

I watched Daredevil this afternoon. I like’m that movie. I also like kalamata black olives. I got some of them for Christmas, too.

If I had a lightsaber… I would probably cut down everyone that I didn’t like. Starting with Ron Howard…


Added June 22, 2016
I used to insult Rachel like there was no tomorrow.
I was a jerk and I apologize.
That Daredevil movie was crap. I regret defending it for as long as I did.
I still love kalamata olives. I will almost eat an entire jar in one sitting if left alone with one for too long.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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