Page 21 – Worthless Post + Vampires

Worthless Post + Vampires

I dont’ know what I’m gonna talk about in this post, or why I’m even making it. Oh well.

Zak is off school for now. Like, until the 4th or something like that. I have class on the 17th. Woohoo.

Got my computer setup on a desk/cart thing that I am “borrowing” from Clay Center school. And I’m going to watch Return of the King EE tonight, like I said I would. See, sometimes I can keep to my word. Sometimes.

I’ve been carrying around/using chap stick all day. damn you winter!!

I knew it!
-I knew I shouldn’t have made this post!!!


[Addition – 5:43PM]
Ok, here’s the deal:
While I watched Steve play that horrible new Vampire game, I got to thinking: Every vampire story ever told to this day sucks. Dong.

List me any reason why ANY story of today is cool and I can shoot it down in two seconds.

They just don’t work well. Maybe Dracula. That one story might hold up. But no other story with vampires in it is worth its weight in pizza coupons. Its more’n likely worth its weight in horse shit.

They just don’t capture vampires they way I think they would act/react in a realistic environment set in modern times. I mean, for starters, they would never go into hiding of any sort.

They just suck. They all suck.

My purpose in life: to write the world’s first good vampire themed story
-and it’ll probably end up being a buddy comedy…

Added March 18, 2016

I wonder what Young Skyler, age 19, would think of a post-Twilight world. I’ll bet ya he’d be pissed. I know I am.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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