Page 21 – Catch Up > Date

More Than A Feeling

Erin: good detective work, ma’am! Oh, and the background is from the game “Chrono Trigger” (if you couldn’t figure that out…)

I went to school today and talked “college” with the sophmore class. With me today was Eric Chloupek, Brandi Owens, Kyle Williamson, Audra… uh… Audra, and Keith Perkins. That was fun.

Later I ran into Amber Tobler at Wal-Mart. That was fun.

Tonight I’m going to play Monopoly with Chloupek and Audra. That will be fun.

Tomorrow I will ride to Clay Center. Then I don’t know… I’ll finally watch Return of the King EE? Who knows?

A funny quote I said on the way home from Hastings:
“Lots of girls wanna catch up with me, none of them will date me…”
-Ok, it was funny when I said it…

Added June 22, 2016
I barely remember doing that sit-in with the Sophmore class but I’m sure I provided hilarious answers to dumb questions. That’s my thing!
Now I want to play Chrono Trigger!
Wonder why I was “riding” to Clay Center? Something with my mom? Who knows.
Who cares?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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