Page 21 – Proclamation of Craziness, Level: Bat-shit

I Return A Stronger Man. Or At Least, I Like To Think I Have…

Tomorrow I’m going to pick up Tzarina who was at the vet while I was at my aunt’s. Yeehaa. While I was there I recieved a DVD version of Braveheart and that is a kickass movie. Maybe one of the all time Top 10 films ever made.

Peter will be here tomorrow. When? Who knows? Who cares?

I want a jet or a solid gold rocket house for Christmas. I think I’m “batshit crazy!”

I think I’m sick. Barf.

What, Erin? Did you miss me? Awwwww….. I’m sorry. I’ll be home all week, now.

VAST’s first album actually ended up being better than I thought it was the first time I listened to it. And the live Hooverphonic album is actually a touch more lame than I remembered. But I listened to every Hooverphonic CD I own one the way home, today. It was nice. “Battersea” is their best song. I never found its meaning until today. It is now heads-and-shoulders above the rest of their stuff.

We got the EE of Return of the King. I have to wait for Mr. McStinky-Farts (Peter) to watch it. Poop on him. Please?

Uhm… I’m gonna play Monopoly on Wednesday night (early evening, maybe?). That’ll be cool.

I played with my four-year-old cousin until the first hours of Sunday morning this weekend. That kid never shuts off. I haven’t been that tired in years and I used to not sleep at all in high school.

But I think I’m gonna go, now. I got… stuff… to do…
-at least I wish I did…

Added June 22, 2016
I haven’t seen Braveheart in years. I should watch that again when Aubrey heads to Iowa before me, this August.
I think I played Monopoly with Audra and The Artist Formerly Known as Eric Chloupek over every Xmas break I had from Drake. I miss those sessions.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Page 21 – Proclamation of Craziness, Level: Bat-shit”

  1. I hope you feel better. Actually, I should try to get a hold of you sometime to catch up, since I haven’t done that for a LONG time. Tried to catch you at the concert but it didn’t work out.
    Well, anywho, keep being batshit! Err, crazy…


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