Page 21 – Meef


I don’t know what that word means.

Went to Zak’s winter concert. Heh. Aside from him mostly all of it was average. ‘cept for the small groups.  Knappy Roots and Emily Chloupek both did really well. w00t! props, you two.

I’m going through Des Moines tomorrow on my way to my aunt’s house in Il. That’ll be, uh, fun? Then its the final week before Christmas. That’ll be, uh, fun? Yeah, I think so.

Free iPod, eh Xanga?? I sure could go for a free iPod… like I could go for a hole in my gut. The size of a baseball. Leaking blood. Onto the carpet. Where someone will slip in it.

I’m suddenly alive with ideas for writing! It’s great! It’s like the ideas flood out of my brain and right into my hands and I can now draw every image perfectly with words. Oh my God, yes. There is nothing better on Earth than having what you’re good at and love doing come so naturally. Sweet Jesus in a haystack, its fun to write!

Uhm… Err… I forgot what I was gonna say here…. whoops…

Got Zak started on Half-Life 2. I love watching people play through that game. Its a really great game. Final Fantasy VII, eat your heart out? It would be really interesting to watch someone eat their own heart out. I would pay for that show, I think…

Anyhow, I’m not gonna keep this ramble going for too much longer. See everyone later!
-and then he ran away…

Added June 22, 2016
Young Skyler was so anti-Apple. Tsk tsk. This iPod I’ve had for about a decade is one of my closest friends.
Half-Life 2 is now my pick for best game, ever. Or at least it was when I did my last list a few years back. Undertale and Witcher 3 might have something to say, but we’ll see how time treats those titles.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Page 21 – Meef”

  1. The way I understand it, “Meef” is “Beef” that has gone “Meh.” Apathetic meat, another reason to become a vegetarian. ps- I liked the keyboard on the box. ~later


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