Page 21 – Some Nerdy Lust and Discourse

Almost Done…

So close to being outta here. Gotta go to work in the morning, take my Poli Sci final, pack up, and get the crap outta here. WOOOHOOOOOOO! A month off!

I went and saw Ocean’s 12 last night. It’s pretty good. I’d ForM it but… I don’t know, maybe later?

I’m gonna try to get a Jesus Time up one a week. I’ve finally got all the characters in “templates” which means I don’t have to go through all the painstaking work I used to have to go through to get one done. Now that that’s out of the way, it should be fairly easy to do the rest of it.


I found a non-plastic wrapped “Raising the Bar” book today while at one of the malls. I about drooled in it. If I don’t get that for Christmas I’m going out and buying it first thing the next day. At least, if I can find it…

Was in Best Buy and saw about ninty DVD’s I wish I owned. Oh fiddlesticks…

Spider-Man could not beat up Thanos. No way in hell!
-maybe Thor, but Spider-Man…?

Added June 22, 2016
That Half-Life book is one of the greatest hardcovers in my collection. I treasure and care for that book like a parent to a child.
And yeah, Spider-Man v Thanos? Uh, who even thought this was a question?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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