deviantart – Poop

I’m in an off-place…

I’m sad, in a lot of ways, because of 2004. Not that I’ll miss it, but because the year itself was just… sad for me. Lots of ups and major downs. Some people died, the day my sister died (which was 2 years ago) came and went. October drug on and on and on (I hate that month)…

I was very depressed and hated myself for a huge chunk’a time in early 2004. Very sad’n stuff. I guess… I’m glad to see it go. I wasted the entire year…

2005 will be different (I hope). More productive, more “on the level.” But I have changes to make. So I will see everyone again around the 20th of this month. But, maybe, there will be some random Age 19s floating around…

Have a good new year’s everyone

Added February 28, 2017
Young Skyler was always in an “off place”.
I assume I was waiting for Jan 20th so I could get back to Drake.
2004 was a rough start to college and “adulthood” but, well, if you’ve followed this archive at all (in chronological order, at least), you know this of Young Skyler’s journey. It gets better, if you’re just joining us. But it has to get a lot worse, first.

Page 21 – Roll My Eyes and Get a Soda

Back…. Front…. Left side, Right side…

Hey, its Mike Tyson’s Punch-Out. And I could win an iPod. how dumb…

Well, Erin’s computer is done and running. At least, it runs here. I was up until 4:30am working on it and booooy did I have fun. And I got it done today at around 4:30. I’ve been watching Angel ever since. There is a song by VAST in the second episode. Its “Touched,” and it kicks serious ass.

Tonight I’m watching Garden State and then I will be watching Spider-Man 2 with commentary. I watched the first one with commentary last night and it was awesome. I also have Resident Evil 2 and Hero to watch. Both are great movies of equal quality.

Been reading “Buffy the Vampire Slayer and Philosophy” a bit the past few nights. When I heard about it, I thought it was going to be a ha-ha fest. But its not. Its intellectual essays. And they’re damn good, too.

My car’s speakers and amp are fixed. I finally have sound.

Well, I guess I’m done, here. I will talk to you later.
-Woop woop woop!

Added June 22, 2016
In the end, the best Christmas gift I got this year was sound in my car. I believe I blew mine out, initially, by blasting music. My back, right speaker worked, everything else was tinny scratching sounds. This fix was amazing.
That car lasted me another three years, so it was good to have sound.
Jeremiah’s comment DOES make me laugh, these days. But I also got a soda, again, when I read it just now.

Page 21 – Horns of Jericho

Horns Of Jericho

Doo dee doo…

I guess I’m gonna start playing NFSU:2 pretty soon. That’d be cool-ish.

Dr. Pepper sure does taste great. I like it. I like it lots.

God damn it, I don’t have anything to say on this post, either. Grrr…

Shit. Fine. Talk to you later
-god damn it…

Added June 22, 2016
Not much to add, just two things:
1) Need for Speed: Underground games were hilariously fun
2) My FFXIV character is named Jericho!

Page 21 – The World’s Greatest Chicken

The World’s Greatest Chicken

Justin came, went. I was tired, napped. That was all fun.

I’m sad I didn’t get a video game for Christmas. This marks, I think, the very first year that’s ever happened to me. I get bored really fast. If I had a new game, I would just play and play and play and play and play. But I guess I’ll just lie around and be bored. Oh well.

Although, I do have another gift coming from Amazon, still. Maybe that’s a game. Or its something else. I don’t really care, but I wouldn’t mind a game. I mean, I brought my PC and PS2 home just in case of a game. Oh well.


I have been pretty bad about writing, recently. I haven’t put anything new down in a few days. Almost a week, actually. Poop-stick.

Am I going to visit my 102 year old grandfather tomorrow? The world may never know…

When a female horse and male donkey mate, the offspring is called a mule, but when a male horse and a female donkey mate, the offspring is called a hinny. Another neat fact? Horses cannot vomit, but frogs can. First they throw up their stomachs, so they are inside out and hanging out of their mouths. Than, with their hands, they scrape all the insides out of it and then swallow their stomach back in. Talk about the tastiness, there.


I will not watch another Lord of the Rings film until either “The Hobbit” is made and out or until January 2006. I’m just tired of them, for now. I know them too well. I must wait it out for awhile.

I kinda wanna watch Braveheart pretty soon.
-Maybe I will…

Added June 22, 2016
My grandfather’s last Christmas, it turns out.
I tried to get through The Lord of the Rings trilogy a year or two ago. Got halfway through Fellowship and died of old age.
Replaced the White Ninja comic accurately. That whole strip could be really dumb and messed up. My father and mother were so concerned that I was corrupting Zak with this stuff. Ha, laughs!
I wonder what my last gift was…?

Page 21 – The Redeadening

Justin: Man of Action 2 – The Redeadening

Justin is coming to the house tomorrow. That will be freaking awesome, or at least that is what I am told.

I can’t wait to start watching Angel, but I have to wait for my mother to get “in the mood,” which could be awhile, actually. Who knows? I wish I had the seven and a half billion dollars needed to buy season 2 now, though, since I’ll just want to watch it at the end of the first season. but, oh well.

Rachel, yu-gi-oh doesn’t suck. and as for “what you know,” scientists have been trying to figure that out for years and are coming up empty-handed. just kidding… or am i….?

I watched Daredevil this afternoon. I like’m that movie. I also like kalamata black olives. I got some of them for Christmas, too.

If I had a lightsaber… I would probably cut down everyone that I didn’t like. Starting with Ron Howard…


Added June 22, 2016
I used to insult Rachel like there was no tomorrow.
I was a jerk and I apologize.
That Daredevil movie was crap. I regret defending it for as long as I did.
I still love kalamata olives. I will almost eat an entire jar in one sitting if left alone with one for too long.

Page 21 – The REAL Best Album Ever


Merry so-and-so, jerks and jerkettes!

I hope everyone had nearly as good a Christmas as I did (not that that’s possible). I recieved a bunch of stuff that I wanted. Wahoo! I got me Season 1 of Angel and Napoleon Dynamite on DVD. Great stuff, great stuff…

I got my Half-Life 2: Raising the Bar book, which was cool. Plus I got the America book by the Daily Show guys, a nice hardback Battlefield: Earth and a “Buffy the Vampire Slayer” and philosophy.

in the world of music, I got Eric Johnson’s “Ah Via Musicom” (which I already owned but it was signed by him so I didn’t really wanna carry it around), “Physical Graffiti” by Zep, “Magical Mystery Tour” by the Beatles, “Fire Garden” by Steve Vai, and the soundtrack to the Buffy musical episode.

got some yu-gi-oh cards.. and some cool shirts, too.

tomorrow i’m going to, i don’t know… sit on my butt again. catch ya later!
-happy birthday, Jesus!!!

Added June 22, 2016
“Kangaroommate” made me laugh too much. Jesus.
I used to believe “Abby Road” was the best album ever, but “Physical Graffiti” might be the real answer.
Yu-Gi-Oh cards… Ugh.
We can’t be proud of every choice we make in our lives. Usually don’t have to admit to them, either.

Page 21 – This Just In: Young Skyler is a Braggart

All I’ve Found Is That I’ve Found I Haven’t Found Enough

christmas eve, christmas eve…

We just got done watching Elf. That is a freaking fantastic movie. Also watched A Christmas Story, which is a holiday classic. Whoopie.

stayin’ home tomorrow. Peter’s gf is here, so that’ll be interesting. I hate leaving on Christmas. it makes me kinda pissed off. I mean, I’ve only been gone twice, and once was to London (which didn’t make me pissed. quite the opposite, in fact), but I guess leaving for Christmas seems kinda lame, to me.

I wonder what I’m getting tomorrow. I’m not, like, super curious, but… yeah…

Speaking of London (a half-paragraph later), this time last year I was probably in bed the night before going to Stonehenge on Christmas morning. That was awesome. London was a great trip… aaaaah…

original Willy Wonka is on. Gene Wilder is amazing. What a great actor.

wweellll ii gguueess ii”dd bbeetteerr ggoo,, nnooww.. ii ggoott ssttuuff ttoo ddoo.. lliikke ttyyppee eevveerryy lleetteerr ttwwiiccee,, ii gguueess……
–llaatteerr…… and have a great christmas, too… ya nuts…

Added June 22, 2016
Why the double-up on letters at the end? What the heck?
Sorry for bragging about London. Again. For the millionth time.
Pete’s ex, Debbie, was cool in my book. For what that’s worth.
I wonder what I DID get this year? Its going to be exciting to check and see!

Page 21 – GIF Abuse

This Just In

Sat down, watched “Christmas Vacation,” my all-time favorite holiday film.

I got an ass-ton of groc. in Hastings today. I’m beginning to settle back in, here. This is trouble…

I’m brain tired.

Uhm… I guess I’ll talk to you guys tomorrow. Uhh… I don’t know why I made this post. I gotta stop making worthless posts, I guess…
-but I won’t ever stop…

Added June 22, 2016
In two days I’ve already overused that gif. Good lord.
We got groceries at a store called Allen’s in Hastings. I can immediately conjure up the layout in my mind’s eye. I used to drink so much Shasta soda from that joint. Oh, man.
Haven’t seen National Lampoon’s Christmas Vacation in a few years. Maybe this season?

Page 21 – Worthless Post + Vampires

Worthless Post + Vampires

I dont’ know what I’m gonna talk about in this post, or why I’m even making it. Oh well.

Zak is off school for now. Like, until the 4th or something like that. I have class on the 17th. Woohoo.

Got my computer setup on a desk/cart thing that I am “borrowing” from Clay Center school. And I’m going to watch Return of the King EE tonight, like I said I would. See, sometimes I can keep to my word. Sometimes.

I’ve been carrying around/using chap stick all day. damn you winter!!

I knew it!
-I knew I shouldn’t have made this post!!!


[Addition – 5:43PM]
Ok, here’s the deal:
While I watched Steve play that horrible new Vampire game, I got to thinking: Every vampire story ever told to this day sucks. Dong.

List me any reason why ANY story of today is cool and I can shoot it down in two seconds.

They just don’t work well. Maybe Dracula. That one story might hold up. But no other story with vampires in it is worth its weight in pizza coupons. Its more’n likely worth its weight in horse shit.

They just don’t capture vampires they way I think they would act/react in a realistic environment set in modern times. I mean, for starters, they would never go into hiding of any sort.

They just suck. They all suck.

My purpose in life: to write the world’s first good vampire themed story
-and it’ll probably end up being a buddy comedy…

Added March 18, 2016

I wonder what Young Skyler, age 19, would think of a post-Twilight world. I’ll bet ya he’d be pissed. I know I am.