Page 21 – Quit President Bashing

[Crazy anti-certain-people post]
I can’t stand people that say “I support Bush becaue I hate Kerry!” or “I’m voting Kerry because he isn’t Bush!”

For god sakes people, just listen to the damn debates or get some facts or something. I mean, jeez! I don’t like it when people are insulting Kerry just because they like Bush, but I can’t stand it when people give Kerry credit because he’s not Bush. Its just sad, really.

Both are decent.. pfft. … men who are both worthy… pfft, heheheh… of running this country. Ok, all joking aside, I’m going to vote Kerry because I’ve seen what Bush can do and I wasn’t impressed. From listening to Kerry talk on debates and reading facts and watching him talk at that thing here in Des Moines, I think he could do a much better job.

If you want to know why, ask me. But I’m not going into it here.

But please, man… just stop it with the Bush bashing or the Kerry bashing. Unless you’ve got facts to back it up with.

And this is the worst Depeche Mode song, evar!
-It sucks…

Added April 18, 2016
What if Kerry had won?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Page 21 – Quit President Bashing”

  1. If I was American, I would totally vote Kerry just cause he’s not Bush. =P
    Of course, what I mean to say is, if I was old enough to vote and in the right country. Oh well!
    But Kerry does have a reeeally cheesy smile. Its almost as bad as Blairs. But Blair is in my good books at the moment, he’s been tackling environmental issues.
    Always a good thing.~Sam


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