Page 21 – YUM-Dollars

Har Har Har!

College-bound! w00t!
I’m gonna watch so much FLCL when I gets back. yeeeeeee!

More fun stuff, later. Like… Napoleon Dynamite. And five hours of driving. yeeeee!

totally worth the trip home. WTF are pringles worth? about five YUM-dollars!
-An “Age 19” for you when I get back to Drake…

Added April 18, 2016
What the hell is a “YUM-dollar” and why am I talking about them? Or Pringles? Ugh.
I’ve never seen FLCL all the way through. I read the manga and it was fun, but when I attempted the series I got like, maybe halfway through? Couldn’t stand it.
Sorry, Pete.

Page 21 – TGS 2004

I’ll review Return of the Jedi for no reason.


-“Somethin’ about his lack of vision…”

Added April 18, 2016
I used to care so much more about E3 and TGS and the like, back then. But that was back when I was always expecting to be wowed. I’m not wowed as much, these days. I think the last thing that really got to me was – ironically enough – the announcement video for the FFVII remake. Things just aren’t as exciting as they used to be. No new franchise that has instant clout, not long-standing franchise that held on to its quality.
Gaming is an interesting beast.
We’ll see about “No Man’s Sky” later this year, though.

Page 21 – Poor Representation of Denzel Washington

i guess i’m staying through tonite, now. my folks are getting up tomorrow morning and driving 10 hours, passing through des moines, so. yeah.

i’m going to take zak to napoleon dynamite either tomorrow or monday. and maybe RE:A, too. Both are great films that shouldn’t be missed.

i hope we watch return of the jedi today.

i need to eat pizza. ooh noo!

“Man on Fire”

i had to mow lawn. that was no fun.
-Firefox? More like FireFuckswithmyabilitytousetheinternet…

Added April 18, 2016
Quit watching Star Wars movies, Young Skyler!
But you won’t. Not for a few years. Alas. You haven’t grown up, yet. Give it time, little man.
I love that art. I wish I still drew comics like that. But who has the time?

Page 21 – FireFox Sucks

Empire Strikes Back is just…. good.

There’s nothing wrong with it. It’s almost a perfect movie. No. It IS the perfect movie.

Plus its got Boba Fett. And he fucking rocks.

In the DVD version his voice is done by Tem Morrison, the guy that played Jango Fett. It was ok, made sense and all, but…. man, I like Boba Fett more than Jango Fett. Why can’t George just be my friend?

And the new conversation between Vader and Palps just seems kinda stale-ish I guess. Oh well. What can you expect?
Anyhow, I guess I’m going to bed. Firefox sucks.

Added April 18, 2016
Young Skyler doesn’t even know how much it sucks.
I’ll let you decide if that is in reference to the web browser or updated edition of the movie mentioned in this post.
The answer is: BOTH OF THEM.

deviantart – These are Just So Easy

Like the title says.

I’m in college, so drawing one of these “real quick-like” is easy as hell. Expect more “College Lessons” episodes throughout and some stupid ones like the “UFO” or “Ride the Worm” in between.

Added March 14, 2017
Age 19 comics were ridiculously easy to fire off in rapid succession. Some days, back when I had a Xanga dedicated to them, I could get three or four I felt good about up and running. These days, creating something takes all the time I have.

Page 21 – No Links

goin’ home today. gotta make it through philosophy. then i’ll nap until comp-pol.

then i’ll make it through comp-pol and then go home after a 5ish hour drive. eeeeeee!

dup-dur-dur-dur. if you check out my fictionpress site you’ll see every creative writing paper i’ve had to do thus far. i load those up just for you buttheads, so, yeah. no links, though.

anyhow. home today.
-So you say you want a revolution…

Added April 18, 2016
Comparative Politics was the worst. I hated it.
That five hour drive back home, paired with the five hour drive back to Drake. Man. Those 10 hours were packed with music and phone calls and laughing and beef jerky. I can’t stress enough how awesome those drives were.
Why on Earth would I say “go check this stuff” but not provide a link to said stuff?
Oh, because Young Skyler was a lazy jerk. That’s why.
Old Skyler isn’t much better because I’m ALSO not going to provide one. What do you think about that?

Page 21 – Don’t Question Young Skyler’s Diet


uhm. hey knappy boy. never. ever. say. super. mario. bros. is. a. good. movie.

i’ll murder your face

i can’t wait to drive home. it’ll be fun. woop woop woop!

Half-Life Is My Crack

got an assload of homeworkish stuff, though. 2 more essays, three response papers, three stories to read. gaaah.

philosophy tomorrow. i’m pumped!

thank god for oreos. i ran low on meals on my plan, so tonite i just ate a dozen oreos and drank 2 cans of dr. pepper. tasty-good.

-How much later? Go ask Mr. Owl…

Added April 18, 2016
I like how people try to defend the Super Mario Bros. movie in the comments. As if they really stand a chance of convincing anyone when the person they most need to convince is themselves.
On another note: reading about my dinner that night, my stomach made noises I didn’t think could come from a human.