Page 21 – Six Nee Yuts Nomise?

Xanga time again. Yeee!

I was going to watch Man on Fire tonite, but I think I’ll watch the debate instead. Oh well.

I went ahead and ordered a DVD rom. My CD rom has been sucking it up for months now. Don’t even try to get it to play KOTOR. You’ll never get past he auto-launcher. And CDs (music) don’t get read very well. It needs replacing.

HL2 is getting sooo close. I can taste it. The past few days have been very exciting! The release candidate was given, it’ll go gold any day now, the package details are out (I’m getting the collector’s edition DVD version, now. T-shirt city!) and some European PCGamer gave it a 96%. Thats hella good, I swears!

I got paid today: $48.00 for eight hours of easy-as-hell work. I usually do most of my homework while “on the job.” I have to pay $330 per semester (toward tuition, I think) and then other money is mine.

I make 6 dollars an hour. I work 7 hours a week. I work 4 weeks a month. How much money is that? That’s right, half a billion. I’ll have that bill paid in no time, ooh yeaah. I’m going to add at least one more hour to my week, now, since I got paid and I liked having money (even if it was only for a few seconds… booo! hisssss!). And I might add another hour on Friday. Hmm…

I love it when the weekend starts on Thursday. It just feels… good, you know? Of course you do! Yer on the level!

psst! one more time! Age 19

I’m on the V’s. Van Halen!
Its my dirty laundry. The whites!

I did another Capt. Sonny-Gin chapter! I’m sooo thrilled! I like it when I write. It makes me feel warm and happy.

There is nothing wrong with (the band) Boston. They are great.

If I catch you on MSN, beware: I will ask you for a noun, verb, and adjective. Just so you know.

Anyhow, I might go do some stuff now. Because I totally can and you can’t stop me, ok? Yeah. That’s what I thought.

Later, fools
-Six nee yuts nomise!!!

Added April 18, 2016
At best, this post is random as heck. At worst, it is stupid.
I have no idea what “six nee yuts nomise” means. I have NO clue. I’ve said it and read it so many times that I don’t even recognize the English language, anymore.
That “Gone Gold” date was a huge deal. Made it more real than it had been up to that point.
The MSN requests for nouns and such were for Age 19 comics that I hope to have up, at some point.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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