Page 21 – “Peace Oop” Made Me Laugh More than it Should Have

I’m gonna use this moment to plug Age 19 again, because I can and its fun.

I rented myself some movies. Yeeee! I saw the Ginger Snaps sequels at Movie Gallery. Peter, ready for a rentin’?

I did a sample listen of the new Prodigy album (which slipped under the rader, eh?) and its ok. But Maxim and Keith Flint aren’t present. That makes me sad inside.
-Peace oop!

Added April 18, 2016
At first I was like “what does that even mean?” but the I said it out loud. “Peace oop” – dumb but man did I laugh.
I finally got that Prodigy album and it was OK. The one after it, though? Fantastic. Masterful, even.
I’d forgotten all about the “Ginger Snaps” movies. That first one is better than it has any business being. The one’s after?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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