Page 21 – Still Need to Go to Wal-Mart

layout change. i’m making the site where i do those comics. they just bog this site down and i don’t like that.

so, there’s another of my sites for you to favorite. ya limey bastards!

i’ll be back later but, for now, i’m library bound!

check THIS out!
-and i need to go to wal-mart…

Added April 18, 2016
The irony of all of this “go to Wal-Mart” talk is not lost on me, dear reader.
And, finally, Age 19 was spirited into existence. I hope I find a way to hit that site up and steal the posts. But, on last attempt, it didn’t appear as though I would be able.
More… as it happens.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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