Page 21 – To Life a Cracker

just got back from mean girls (IN WIDESCREEEEEN!!!!). it was good, better’n i’d heard (‘cept from peter, who was pretty much spot on on his description).

i think its funny how totally unlike real high school that movie was, though. yeah.

i’ll review it… sometime…

oh man… i got to wal-mart and got my assignment done. yeeeeee!

damn it, i need a dvd rom…

my folks’ll be in town tomorrow, headin’ on their way home. then they gotta come back here this weekend for my cousin’s wedding.

i almost bought the star wars dvds but held out. i’m strong
-enough to life a cracker. but not over my head ‘er nuthin’…

Added April 18, 2016
That DVD drive was the last piece of the puzzle, as far as getting and playing Half-Life 2 was concerned. It is coming, too. Faster than one could have even imagined.
It was going to my cousins wedding where I think I passed through Dallas Center for the first time, the town where Aubrey was born and lived at the time, maybe. I’m not 100% about this, though, and when I asked my mom she didn’t remember where he was married.
Oh well.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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