Page 21 – Buttwipes

Based On A True Story

For Future Reference

Theme change

Going home was awesome. i got to see people i wanted to like family and non-family, even though I had to see some people i didn’t want to see at that football game. not because they’re jerks, but because i didn’t want to talk to them. there were about four, total…

Photobucket must have kicked the bucket, again. oh well…

“Becket” is ready to go for tomorrow night. Edits are done and I’ma gonna read it out loud and be totally fearless. Its the poetry reading I’m afraid of…

zak got to spend a few hours playing smash bros. and meeting colin, the resident MewTwo bastard. funness! I still have to write my massive five page history of Raaz for Friday night. Funness!

I’m almost through the L’s and can then move forward to the O’s. yeeee!

Well….. talk to you buttwipes later!
-And by “buttwipes” i mean “those that wipe butts…”

Added April 18, 2016
When I mention letters, I’m going through all the music on my computer song-by-song, alphabetically. If I did that, today, it would take me 21 days. No joke.
I eat music.
I’ve never stolen any, either. I AM BRAGGING.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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