Page 21 – Poor Representation of Denzel Washington

i guess i’m staying through tonite, now. my folks are getting up tomorrow morning and driving 10 hours, passing through des moines, so. yeah.

i’m going to take zak to napoleon dynamite either tomorrow or monday. and maybe RE:A, too. Both are great films that shouldn’t be missed.

i hope we watch return of the jedi today.

i need to eat pizza. ooh noo!

“Man on Fire”

i had to mow lawn. that was no fun.
-Firefox? More like FireFuckswithmyabilitytousetheinternet…

Added April 18, 2016
Quit watching Star Wars movies, Young Skyler!
But you won’t. Not for a few years. Alas. You haven’t grown up, yet. Give it time, little man.
I love that art. I wish I still drew comics like that. But who has the time?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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