Page 21 – Six Nee Yuts Nomise?

Xanga time again. Yeee!

I was going to watch Man on Fire tonite, but I think I’ll watch the debate instead. Oh well.

I went ahead and ordered a DVD rom. My CD rom has been sucking it up for months now. Don’t even try to get it to play KOTOR. You’ll never get past he auto-launcher. And CDs (music) don’t get read very well. It needs replacing.

HL2 is getting sooo close. I can taste it. The past few days have been very exciting! The release candidate was given, it’ll go gold any day now, the package details are out (I’m getting the collector’s edition DVD version, now. T-shirt city!) and some European PCGamer gave it a 96%. Thats hella good, I swears!

I got paid today: $48.00 for eight hours of easy-as-hell work. I usually do most of my homework while “on the job.” I have to pay $330 per semester (toward tuition, I think) and then other money is mine.

I make 6 dollars an hour. I work 7 hours a week. I work 4 weeks a month. How much money is that? That’s right, half a billion. I’ll have that bill paid in no time, ooh yeaah. I’m going to add at least one more hour to my week, now, since I got paid and I liked having money (even if it was only for a few seconds… booo! hisssss!). And I might add another hour on Friday. Hmm…

I love it when the weekend starts on Thursday. It just feels… good, you know? Of course you do! Yer on the level!

psst! one more time! Age 19

I’m on the V’s. Van Halen!
Its my dirty laundry. The whites!

I did another Capt. Sonny-Gin chapter! I’m sooo thrilled! I like it when I write. It makes me feel warm and happy.

There is nothing wrong with (the band) Boston. They are great.

If I catch you on MSN, beware: I will ask you for a noun, verb, and adjective. Just so you know.

Anyhow, I might go do some stuff now. Because I totally can and you can’t stop me, ok? Yeah. That’s what I thought.

Later, fools
-Six nee yuts nomise!!!

Added April 18, 2016
At best, this post is random as heck. At worst, it is stupid.
I have no idea what “six nee yuts nomise” means. I have NO clue. I’ve said it and read it so many times that I don’t even recognize the English language, anymore.
That “Gone Gold” date was a huge deal. Made it more real than it had been up to that point.
The MSN requests for nouns and such were for Age 19 comics that I hope to have up, at some point.

Page 21 – Did I Stay or Did I Go?

(one more… Age 19)

Well well well. I just ForM’d two movies. Check ’em out. Or don’t. Whatever.

I’ll watch “Man on Fire” later, see if Peter wants to check it out with me or not. I could have gone to watch Mean Girls again, but it wasn’t Widescreen, so I said “OH HELL NO!” and then went anyway. But I didn’t go.

I worked my ass off to get through today. I had a short fiction story due, an essay and a reading response paper due, a small writing assignment and an annotated bibliography due, and I went ahead and did everything due tomorrow ahead of time. That way I could have tonite off. And it’s been great, gosh darn’d it!

I guess seeing my parents was cool. I’ll see them again Saturday. That’ll rock. Solid. Maybe I can convince everyone to go see Blind Swordsman Saturday. That’d rock. Solid.

I haven’t done any Capt. Sonny-Gin since before I went home last weekend. I need to get back on track.

Prof. Taylor told me she liked Becket. A lot. That’s cool. So did my high school principal. He said it was the greatest thing he’d ever read. That is either a great compliment or he’s one sad sack…

Oh well.

Anyhow, Kill Bill saga this weekend, some Warcraft III time on Saturday, and some online Starcraft, too. Plus: A wedding and maybe the Blind Swordsman film. If all goes well. Anyhow, later!
-I wish I had once owned a prize-fighting kangaroo…

Added April 18, 2016
I never saw that “Blind Swordsman” movie. Unfortunately.
I said, previously, that I was very confident that I’d driven through Dallas Center on my way to/from the previously mentioned wedding. Turns out it was in Minburn, so we WOULD have driven through there. I both love and hate how small the world can seem, sometimes.

Page 21 – “Peace Oop” Made Me Laugh More than it Should Have

I’m gonna use this moment to plug Age 19 again, because I can and its fun.

I rented myself some movies. Yeeee! I saw the Ginger Snaps sequels at Movie Gallery. Peter, ready for a rentin’?

I did a sample listen of the new Prodigy album (which slipped under the rader, eh?) and its ok. But Maxim and Keith Flint aren’t present. That makes me sad inside.
-Peace oop!

Added April 18, 2016
At first I was like “what does that even mean?” but the I said it out loud. “Peace oop” – dumb but man did I laugh.
I finally got that Prodigy album and it was OK. The one after it, though? Fantastic. Masterful, even.
I’d forgotten all about the “Ginger Snaps” movies. That first one is better than it has any business being. The one’s after?

Page 21 – To Life a Cracker

just got back from mean girls (IN WIDESCREEEEEN!!!!). it was good, better’n i’d heard (‘cept from peter, who was pretty much spot on on his description).

i think its funny how totally unlike real high school that movie was, though. yeah.

i’ll review it… sometime…

oh man… i got to wal-mart and got my assignment done. yeeeeee!

damn it, i need a dvd rom…

my folks’ll be in town tomorrow, headin’ on their way home. then they gotta come back here this weekend for my cousin’s wedding.

i almost bought the star wars dvds but held out. i’m strong
-enough to life a cracker. but not over my head ‘er nuthin’…

Added April 18, 2016
That DVD drive was the last piece of the puzzle, as far as getting and playing Half-Life 2 was concerned. It is coming, too. Faster than one could have even imagined.
It was going to my cousins wedding where I think I passed through Dallas Center for the first time, the town where Aubrey was born and lived at the time, maybe. I’m not 100% about this, though, and when I asked my mom she didn’t remember where he was married.
Oh well.

Page 21 – Still Need to Go to Wal-Mart

layout change. i’m making the site where i do those comics. they just bog this site down and i don’t like that.

so, there’s another of my sites for you to favorite. ya limey bastards!

i’ll be back later but, for now, i’m library bound!

check THIS out!
-and i need to go to wal-mart…

Added April 18, 2016
The irony of all of this “go to Wal-Mart” talk is not lost on me, dear reader.
And, finally, Age 19 was spirited into existence. I hope I find a way to hit that site up and steal the posts. But, on last attempt, it didn’t appear as though I would be able.
More… as it happens.

Page 21 – Have to Go to Wal-Mart

colin reads here, now. hello colin.

did that reading thing. becket was well recieved, i thought. next time i’m going to either read “the time skyler got a laser gun” or a few selections from my “love stories” series.

peter and zak showed up. that was swell of them.

i have a looooooong-ass assignment due for fys on wednesday. it will require me to go the library tomorrow. this is why i have taken care of all of the other wednesday assignments ahead of time. plus, i need to go to wal-mart tomorrow.

boring-as-hell polisi tomorrow. blaaah.

i’m gonna watch the kill bill saga (as i call it, now) on saturday if i can get time off. it’ll take an assload of work, but i’ll get ‘er done.

my influence dominates, eh erin?

-Play it today in home entertainment dept….

Added April 18, 2016
“Saga” – as though I’m so intelligent that I came up with calling it that. Pfft.
These old Age 19 comics really make me smile. I should do some Age 31’s later this year.
HOLY CRAP AGE 31. I’m old.

Page 21 – A Date with Grendel’s Mother

-a real post later, after the reading (that means at about 9:30-10:00ish…)

Added April 18, 2016
I was having so much fun doing these. I was having a bunch of fun at college, period.
Some odd, dark stuff is coming so fast it’ll make your head spin.
It made Young Skyler’s spin so fast its a wonder it didn’t fall off.

Page 21 – Buttwipes

Based On A True Story

For Future Reference

Theme change

Going home was awesome. i got to see people i wanted to like family and non-family, even though I had to see some people i didn’t want to see at that football game. not because they’re jerks, but because i didn’t want to talk to them. there were about four, total…

Photobucket must have kicked the bucket, again. oh well…

“Becket” is ready to go for tomorrow night. Edits are done and I’ma gonna read it out loud and be totally fearless. Its the poetry reading I’m afraid of…

zak got to spend a few hours playing smash bros. and meeting colin, the resident MewTwo bastard. funness! I still have to write my massive five page history of Raaz for Friday night. Funness!

I’m almost through the L’s and can then move forward to the O’s. yeeee!

Well….. talk to you buttwipes later!
-And by “buttwipes” i mean “those that wipe butts…”

Added April 18, 2016
When I mention letters, I’m going through all the music on my computer song-by-song, alphabetically. If I did that, today, it would take me 21 days. No joke.
I eat music.
I’ve never stolen any, either. I AM BRAGGING.