Page 21 – Who Does Young Skyler Even Like?


I think girls are evil. And I think a lot of guys are jerks. And little kids are the devil. I hate just about everyone.

So what’s up, huh? I guess that, in the long run, I’ve decided that sex, drugs, booze, and all that other “fun stuff” is so stupid that it makes “Spy Hard” look like an academy award winner. That’s stupid.

I got more Yugioh cards. God, kill me.

I’m not getting up at all tomorrow. I don’t even want to see saturDAY. I wanna get up, see its afternoon, and smile, knowing I got enough sleep for once. But they’ll have to shut up, out there, first. God, college kids are annoying and loud…

Time is still being an evil bastard to me. It won’t let me move past things, yet slowly lets other things creep up. It’ll be October, soon…

Half-Life 2… not on Sept. 1. Looks like it’ll be th 24th, now. The 24th CENTURY!

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
Sex, drugs, booze… all worthless. Yu-Gi-Oh cards? BUY ALL OF THEM. THIS IS ACCEPTABLE.
I like how I’m seemingly OK with yelling about and insulting everyone around me at college in this post. “If you’re human and alive your are probably too loud and I don’t approve of your life choices! ARGH!” It is a wonder I ever made any friends that first year. Or ever.

Page 21 – Don’t Stop Thinkin’ About Tomorrow Never Dies

Don’t stop thinkin’ ’bout Tomorrow Never Dies

ulggh… got up at 7:30, again. Had work from 8-11. Who signed me up for that crap? Oh yeah… it was me…

Hero on Monday? Garden State… sometime? Who knows…?

“What kind of security should I get?”
“How about a gun? Those work pretty well”

Old Jabba

New Jabba

Well, I guess I might take a nap, today. That’d be swell. I’d love to play some Warcraft III online, though. Or maybe not even online. Maybe I’ll just play through the game, again. It was fun, the first time. But I’m kinda in an FFVIII mood. Crazy, yeah… I know…

Old Half-Life

New Half-Life

Anyhow, I guess I’ll be back… later?
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
What is that quote from?
The old Jabba/new Jabba comparison is nice, but how about NO Jabba?
I wonder what “old Half-Life” and “new Half-Life” pictures were. Possibly the difference between vanilla and Source? Who knows.
I have only played through FFVIII three times to date, and only finished it without cheating once. That game gets a lot of unwarranted grief. It isn’t the greatest, but it sure is fun.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Used to Get to Class Early

i need to stop heading to class so early… gaaah…. i get there with half an hour to waste and i hate that…

i’m going to bed and going to sleep in an extra ten minutes, so don’t expect a post here tomorrow morning. I did manage to catch Ralph Nader and take some pictures, though! They turned out crappy, though… and I took some pictures of some of my cool new people up here. Once the network (which is totally down right now) gets up and running, I’ll neglect posting those pictures until its way past the time where its even relevant anymore. But Naderino was cool.

Coming home next weekend (labour day). That means Peter will buy me fresh amounts of Dr. Pepper and some snackage. Swell. Maybe I’ll go see Hero this weekend. Heh, yeah right!

Anyhow, I guess I’m off for bed. I’m tired as hell…
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
That “Getting to class early” business didn’t last long, just you watch.
Here is a Ralph Nader photo I took that night, for reference:
Told you it wasn’t very good.

Page 21 – Pockets Stuffed with Edibles

Its 8am… do you know where your car is?

I’m off for English. We had to read this story called “What they carried.” and its good. It’s damn good. Read it if you like good stories. I was moved.

the showers here are getting worse and worse. but thank god i’m coming home on Friday. i need to take a real shower, again. *le sigh*

i’m gonna see about going to the Nader thingamajig. i made my roomate watch futurama, last nite, too. he laughed. thats a good sign.

it rains…

anyhow, on to starving!
-see you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
I wonder where my first year roommate, Scott Bock, is now? I ran into him at a Hy-Vee not too long ago, right before I left for Fresno. We totally saw each other but did nothing about it, just went on our way.
I should get a Tim O’Brien book. I liked what I read, back then. Maybe I’d still like it? Or, possibly – and more likely accurately – I was just so swept up by “College” that anything I read was fantastic. Hm.

Page 21 – Anime Club

My plan was to “steal” some food from Hub (eatery) and keep it for tomorrow, for snackage. Instead, I ended up joining Drake’s anime club.

and I’ll play Vampire with them, too.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
Oh, Jesus, Anime Club.
Big mistake.
I never played D&D or Vampire on campus with anyone. This was a wise choice, in the end.

Page 21 – Nader or Scavenger Hunt?

suck on THAT, suckah!!!

suck on what…?

crap… nader is here at 6, and thats the same time i have to go out on a FYS “scavenger hunt.” gaaaaah….

Well, aparently there has been a penis seen here on 4th floor of Herriot. Uh, not by me. And, uh, not just free floating. Apparently room 402 has a “large” one and was showing it off to girls last night. From what I understand, though, its was neither “large” nor anything to be showing off. Grand! College sure is great!

Philosophy is great fun! We’re gonna watch The Matrix and The Seventh Seal (along with a Woody Allen film) this semester. Intro to Phil will be kickass, methinks. Political Science will be interesting once we start doing stuff. Today was boring as hell, of course, but it was the introduction/course work stuff today, so.. yeah…

Work was fine, this morning. I’m registered as a Drake employee, now. I work again at 5pm, tonight. Then again at 8am on Thursday and from 8-11, now, on Friday. I might be working until noon on Friday, though.

Either my folks’re comin’ up here or I’m going home Friday after work, because I gots stuff to pick up and I needs it (like that WinXp CD, a debit card, “Masters of Doom,” ect…). So, yeah. And I need to pull my Half-Life 2 $60 out of the bank. That’s almost out, you know!

I need more Dr. Pepper…. because I’ve got a story to write! That’s right, outside of classwork, I’ve got this great idea for a story that I can write 100+ pages of and then never finish!! OH JOY!!!

Anyhow, I guess I’ll go, for now! Listen to some and, if you don’t have it, buy some Audioslave!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
I’m listening to that first Audioslave album right now! Coincidence! Or fate?
I like that I feel the need to clarify that it wasn’t a free-floating wang that was spotted.
I honestly don’t remember watching ANY films in that Intro to Philosophy course. At all. And most certainly not “Seventh Seal” – but who knows. I was drunk a lot first semes… oh, wait. No. I didn’t drink until I was 21 and legal. Nevermind!
I should read Masters of Doom when I’m finished with Jennifer Government…
And how crazy is it to think about a time before having a debit card. Stone ages…
And on a completely unrelated note: I miss Palmer’s Deli. I want an Apple Orchard sandwich so bad, right now.

Page 21 – “Edit It”

School sure is goin’ ok! I work tomorrow morning at 8am! Whoopie! Then I work the same time (8-9) Thursday and I pull an 8-10 on Friday. I might end up doing an 8-12 on Friday, though. Who knows…?

I write lots of poetry while playing Ragnarok Online. I hate this for two reason:
1.It keeps me from playing the game and
2.I hate writing poetry…

But any writing is good writing! So I took what I could get, yes I took what I could get! And she looked at me with those big brown eyes’n she said: you ain’t seen nothin’ yet!

Look what happens when I hit “edit it:”
“Error #20091b: An Impossibility”
Yeah… no such thing as “perfect tens”, guys…

Books, books, books…

Currently Reading
Break Any Woman Down
see related
Currently Reading
The Next American Essay
By John D’Agata
see related

Currently Reading
Fiction 100: An Anthology of Short Fiction
By James H. Pickering
see related

Added April 14, 2016
I have no idea what I’m referencing with that photo. I mean, I get that I don’t believe in “perfect tens” but “edit” what?
Screw you, Pickering!
I must have played this Ragnarok game enough to keep writing about it. Why don’t I remember?
Perfect zinger on Steve in the comments.

Page 21 – First Day of Classes

good morning!

i’ve been up since 7am, getting ready for my first class (eng. 92) at 8:30. of course, its on the other side of campus, but i’ll make it.

then lunch, than eng 61(or was it 62…..). then my first year seminar (FYS), and then all day to read and play DOOMII and Ragnarok Online (yeah, I got started.). Then I don’t know what…

Aqua Teen Hunger Force last night made me smile and it hit me… how can something so stupid and simple be so good? It lacks quality animation and the storylines are “barely there,” so whats so good about it? Its absurd, sometimes obscure beyond belief, and most of the time its just plain funny. I wish more television programs were like ATHF. The 15 minutes are priceless while they last…

i’ll tell you all about classes, later. right now i have to eat and get ready to go!

{Addition – 2:15}
Ralph Nader is going to be here on Wednesday at 6:pm. I will go see him.

Classes rocked!!! My first class (the english) is my favorite thus far. The prof. is awesome. The second class (also english) is kinda ho-hum. Its about essay writing. Hopefully it’ll get better. My FYS is cool, too. More writing! And tomorrow I have political science and philosophy! Hurrah! my first class tomorrow is at 9:30am!

I’m not doing the marching band… it’ll be…. too much, i think. I dunno… I will be in it next year, though. It was just looking like a lot of work and I don’t manage time well, so filling up my first year of school (or at least first semester) with stuff didn’t seem like a good idea…

but, i got reading and rag to do. later
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
See how quickly I was out of marching band?
That first day of classes was where I’d met Aaron W. Jaco, who has become one of my closest friends.
Man, the energy of those first weeks at Drake is almost tangible, just reading these old posts. I wonder how soon my old floor-mates started reading/commenting…?
Also, I had to Google Ragnarok Online or whatever. I have no memory of this.