Page 21 – Look Who’s Tarkin

stomach… still feelin’ kinda bad. work? ok. fun at times. I always like it when I can help someone and they appreciate it.

philosophy in a moment. then lunch. then polysi. then homework. then work-work. then sleep.

i’m wearing a shirt that says “ass” on the back. to classes. it feels great.

i’m slowly killing this site…

Added April 14, 2016
The tshirt in question is that Van Halen shirt I proudly announced I ripped in half off my own chest in a previous commentary note.
“Van Halen Kicks Ass” my foot. Er, ass.
I don’t think I ever really wore PJ’s to class. I was too busy wearing ties and top hats.
PS: I like how I stay out of any talk about Audra in the comments. I wasn’t gonna get involved.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “Page 21 – Look Who’s Tarkin”

  1. i agree with the pajamas. nothin’ better than sitting in class in your jams.
    also, i have a class with someone who went to harvard. her name is audra, or something like that.
    also, hope you’re having fun. adjustment is scary; just make the most of it


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