Page 21 – No PS2

*le sigh*

I’m alive, if that counts for anything…

I wish I was in that alternate reality where I went home this weekend… again, not because I’m homesick, but just because I’m more comfortable being depressed there. I don’t know these people well enough to explain myself, and putting on a front is only fun for, oh…. never.

*le sigh*

on the bright side, I’ve got all my Monday/Tuesday homework done. I finished it up yesterday. I might play FFVIII. I really wish I had a PS2 here. I’d so play GTA: Vice City, right about now… But I did cream some guy in WCIII online. I’m level 3, he was level 27. That’s sad… I can’t be that good…

Ate. Yeah.

Velvet Revolver kicks so much ass. I just listen to this CD over and over again. Much, much better than Audioslave. Much, much better than most other rock bands out there right now. Illegal i Song gives me chills. It’s almost perfect.

I dunno. I guess I’m writing this really funky story. I’ll tell you all about it if you ask me someday…

*le sigh*
-See you next weekend!!!

Added April 14, 2016
I’m assuming my parents didn’t let me bring my PS2 for school reasons? Did I have DVDs there at that point? I don’t understand this.
Based on the comments, I still had a Wings theme going. Why? Why did I leave that up for so long?

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Page 21 – No PS2”

  1. I remember watching trailors for FFVIII and saying, “Wow, those cinimatics look so real!” Then I saw trailors for FFIX and said, “Wow, those cinimatics look so real!”. Then I saw trailors for FFX and said, “Wow, those cinimatics look so real!”.
    Good times.


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