Page 21 – Nader or Scavenger Hunt?

suck on THAT, suckah!!!

suck on what…?

crap… nader is here at 6, and thats the same time i have to go out on a FYS “scavenger hunt.” gaaaaah….

Well, aparently there has been a penis seen here on 4th floor of Herriot. Uh, not by me. And, uh, not just free floating. Apparently room 402 has a “large” one and was showing it off to girls last night. From what I understand, though, its was neither “large” nor anything to be showing off. Grand! College sure is great!

Philosophy is great fun! We’re gonna watch The Matrix and The Seventh Seal (along with a Woody Allen film) this semester. Intro to Phil will be kickass, methinks. Political Science will be interesting once we start doing stuff. Today was boring as hell, of course, but it was the introduction/course work stuff today, so.. yeah…

Work was fine, this morning. I’m registered as a Drake employee, now. I work again at 5pm, tonight. Then again at 8am on Thursday and from 8-11, now, on Friday. I might be working until noon on Friday, though.

Either my folks’re comin’ up here or I’m going home Friday after work, because I gots stuff to pick up and I needs it (like that WinXp CD, a debit card, “Masters of Doom,” ect…). So, yeah. And I need to pull my Half-Life 2 $60 out of the bank. That’s almost out, you know!

I need more Dr. Pepper…. because I’ve got a story to write! That’s right, outside of classwork, I’ve got this great idea for a story that I can write 100+ pages of and then never finish!! OH JOY!!!

Anyhow, I guess I’ll go, for now! Listen to some and, if you don’t have it, buy some Audioslave!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 14, 2016
I’m listening to that first Audioslave album right now! Coincidence! Or fate?
I like that I feel the need to clarify that it wasn’t a free-floating wang that was spotted.
I honestly don’t remember watching ANY films in that Intro to Philosophy course. At all. And most certainly not “Seventh Seal” – but who knows. I was drunk a lot first semes… oh, wait. No. I didn’t drink until I was 21 and legal. Nevermind!
I should read Masters of Doom when I’m finished with Jennifer Government…
And how crazy is it to think about a time before having a debit card. Stone ages…
And on a completely unrelated note: I miss Palmer’s Deli. I want an Apple Orchard sandwich so bad, right now.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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