Page 21 – Sorry for the Language


Well, Van Halen. Well, first… The Village…. sucked. Dong. I guessed the twist ending two months ago from previews and TV spots that gave no clues. What a waste of money. Check ForM later.

Van Halen. Ok, it fucking rocked. Sorry for the language, but… yeah. “Fucking rocked.” Every aspect of the show screamed “FUCK YEAH!” It was nucking futs. And Alex played “Moby Dick” beat for beat. And Eddie? Oh yeah: Hella tight. Floor seats were kickass (because I was tall). I got me a shirt’n stuff. Oh yeah, did I mention it was fucking awesome?!

But, now I’m here with Peter and his roomate in Des Moines. I’m still kinda upset I gotta be here for a week when I’m going to be here for FOUR YEARS in the near future. Oh well…

I guess, then… I need to go out and rent me something in the near future, too. And, among other things, I need… stuff. I’ll be on MSN most of the time while I’m here, so… if you want to talk to sumthin’, drop me a line.

{Addition – 8:09PM}
Ate food. Good. Watched Simpsons. Good. Linked to Scary Go Round (below, at the bottom). Good.

Tomorrow? KOTOR!!!!!! (thanks Zak!)
I also cleaned out Peter’s mouse and wish I’d brought a good keyboard with me…..
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Literally just tore that Van Halen shirt off my chest. Like, in half. Felt awesome.
I absolutely remember cleaning Pete’s mouse out at his apartment. It was disgusting. I 100% clearly remember how it never worked and then it magically worked when properly taken care of.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

6 thoughts on “Page 21 – Sorry for the Language”

  1. Yeah, I know…I wish I hadn’t have spent movie on that movie. Kudos to M.Night for luring me into the theater and making his money…he’s good at that.


  2. hey guy… sorry i wasn’t here earlier when you were talking at me. i’m pullin for you, i hope everything is going alright. if you need to talk or anything lemme know and i’ll send you my phone number.


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