Page 21 – Look Who’s Tarkin

stomach… still feelin’ kinda bad. work? ok. fun at times. I always like it when I can help someone and they appreciate it.

philosophy in a moment. then lunch. then polysi. then homework. then work-work. then sleep.

i’m wearing a shirt that says “ass” on the back. to classes. it feels great.

i’m slowly killing this site…

Added April 14, 2016
The tshirt in question is that Van Halen shirt I proudly announced I ripped in half off my own chest in a previous commentary note.
“Van Halen Kicks Ass” my foot. Er, ass.
I don’t think I ever really wore PJ’s to class. I was too busy wearing ties and top hats.
PS: I like how I stay out of any talk about Audra in the comments. I wasn’t gonna get involved.

Page 21 – “Had to” (Fixed that for ya, Young Skyler!)

Hero. Yeah. Form’ed.

Uhm…. yeah…

I watched that with Peter, and some Excel Saga. That was nice. But at the end of the day, here, I’ve got to be pissed because I wrote a horrible piece of shit for my FYS, probably did the same for ENG 92, had to let people know my sister passed away, made other people feel uncomfortable in the past two days, and above all else, I just wanna be home!

I gotta get up and work in the morning. Then work that night. I don’t want to. Someone is going to come by and ask me to help them write a short fiction piece and I’m not comfortable with my writing at all right now to even suggest anything. Everythings just F***ed-up for me, right now. I can’t stand it. These people just don’t understand me and I can’t trust them enough to let them in at all. So, I’m stuck.

I either wanna strangle someone or become a pirate. Which is the better option?

Added April 14, 2016
“Letting people in isn’t the problem. It’s getting them out that sucks.” – Man, Jesus. If this isn’t the most accurate statement ever.
I hate that I keep saying I “have to” let people know about Sarah, like I didn’t have a choice. Like the assignment was “tell us about your deceased sister, Skyler”. Good lord.
If you don’t trust anyone, and you don’t want to let anyone in, and you don’t want to weird anyone out, don’t even bring her up. That was the right call.
But Young Skyler was an attention seeking, depressed, wannabe-emo little tyke that first year of college. It is annoying to read. And worse than I remembered.
On another note, Pete and I hunted for Jordan Creek mall for, like, three hours trying to get to that movie since it had just opened. The closest we got was Valley Junction. We ended up going to Cobblestone, I believe. Oh well.

Page 21 – Going to Hero

The English might have been skimmed…

The paper might not be so good…

The people might find out about Sarah…

I might feel bad for many hours today…

The hamburger+pie might still make me ill…

…but I’m going to see Hero today, anyhow
-See you next weekend!!!

OH! and i have an anime club meeting on thursday night. huzzah!

Added April 14, 2016
Hamburger Pie!
I know I said “hamburger+pie” which is what Pete and I ate at Bakers Square. But I’m thinking of my mom’s dish that was meatloaf with mashed potatoes on top and melted Velveta over it. It is the single greatest thing.
I hope I go into the long, arduous process of getting to Hero, that day.

Page 21 – Wish ForM Still Worked

I just spent two hours making ForM perfect.

it is, now.

Added April 14, 2016
This is when I made a second page for the actual reviews to go to, I think. And a front page for the list of movies reviewed and by who. It complicated the posting of those reviews, but it did look much nicer.
Wish those reviews existed someplace. I’d really like to read some of them.

Page 21 – No PS2

*le sigh*

I’m alive, if that counts for anything…

I wish I was in that alternate reality where I went home this weekend… again, not because I’m homesick, but just because I’m more comfortable being depressed there. I don’t know these people well enough to explain myself, and putting on a front is only fun for, oh…. never.

*le sigh*

on the bright side, I’ve got all my Monday/Tuesday homework done. I finished it up yesterday. I might play FFVIII. I really wish I had a PS2 here. I’d so play GTA: Vice City, right about now… But I did cream some guy in WCIII online. I’m level 3, he was level 27. That’s sad… I can’t be that good…

Ate. Yeah.

Velvet Revolver kicks so much ass. I just listen to this CD over and over again. Much, much better than Audioslave. Much, much better than most other rock bands out there right now. Illegal i Song gives me chills. It’s almost perfect.

I dunno. I guess I’m writing this really funky story. I’ll tell you all about it if you ask me someday…

*le sigh*
-See you next weekend!!!

Added April 14, 2016
I’m assuming my parents didn’t let me bring my PS2 for school reasons? Did I have DVDs there at that point? I don’t understand this.
Based on the comments, I still had a Wings theme going. Why? Why did I leave that up for so long?

Page 21 – The Gap

And thus, Skyler’s twisted circle comes back around…

I’m depressed, right now. I’ve been trying to figure out what exactly is the cause and I think its Sarah, again (like always…). College is one of those things that she would have to know all about, every last detail, every day I was here. That’s just how she was about this kinda stuff…

She and my older brother, Peter, were always in the age range where they could experience things together and have cool stuff to talk about. I dont’ get to have that with her. I was working on it, but then…yeah.

I mean, yeah, Peter is in Des Moines and I can, and do, hang out with him whenever I want to, but its not the same. There’s that damn gap that will now always be there and I will never have anything to fill it with (and I don’t want it filled, either.).

I miss her, like I miss everyone, but she gets the double bonus of being away from me on two accounts. I guess… I guess she’ll be always tugging at me, like I know she will. It’s not really fair, though, I guess. I don’t know…

I’m also depressed about the lack of “good” an/or “justice” in the world. And the fact that everyone in the world is corrupt. And the fact that I lack the ability to trust anyone, here, right now, which makes “making good friends” kinda hard to accomplish. I’ll warm up to them, eventually, but for now I’m gonna be stuck being the “cool guy that never hangs out unless he has something to say.”

I wanna go home just to be somewhere I’m comfortable, not because I miss it (which I do, mind you. And it doesn’t help at all.). But, instead, I’m going to wait a week and spend this weekend watching Braveheart and writing some stuff and reading Zak’s story.

Keep it together, everyone. And be smart, for me.

-See you next weekend!!!

Visit Chef-San's Xanga Site! Currently Reading
The League of Extraordinary Video Game Characters
By Zak Bartels
see related

Added April 14, 2016
I’m so extremely happy that the age gap between Pete and I didn’t make a permanent gap between us as brothers and friends. I think we get along better than we would have, had Sarah not passed. We would have, still, but I think necessity made us better friends.
This post would have been touching and sad but then I got all stupid with this “no one is good” and “everyone is corrupt” stuff. I never realized that the “cool guy that never hangs out” thing was a self-fulfilling prophecy.

Page 21 – Haha, What are you Even Talking About?

There are no “good guys.”

Added April 14, 2016
Who even knows. I likely had no reason for this post. Just drama for the sake of drama.
The sad part is, if this was extrapolated upon in any fashion, maybe there would be an interesting philosophical take on this statement in there, somewhere. Likely full of itself, but an interesting idea nonetheless.
Instead, its just a pouty, emo post that means nothing.
Move along.