Page 21 – Monopoly-Risk Development

Beyond Good and Evil

This game might just be better than Wind Waker. which is scary, because Wind Waker kicked ass.

The games got a pretty good plot. and you take pictures all the time. combat is way better than Wind Waker. It’s…. oooh man, I’m buying this game.

Wow. That’s it from me, for now. I’ll actually talk about other things later.

{Addition – 1:37PM}
Monopoly-Risk. The board game design process has begun.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Monopoly-Risk’s development process began so long ago. I’ll go into the story in the next post, I assume, and if I don’t I’ll note upon it in my commentary for said post.

Page 21 – REference

4 – Itchy. Tasty.

Yeah. Cuz I can, beeeeeyotch.

I watched a movie. along came polly. it was… predictable, but still decent.

I have monster and mystic river to watch, sometime, this weekend.

The real treat of this weekend is “Beyond Good and Evil.”

this game… its pretty good. we’ll just say that. I’m going to stay up all nite tonite and play it. yeehaa

anyhow, not much else to say. 4th of july on sunday. and it is july, already. holy poop-sticks, batman.

well, i’m gonna get the dog some food, now. talk to you buttheads later!
The List 2
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
“Along Came Polly”, huh? I had to Google that movie because I didn’t even remember it.
“Beyond Good & Evil” is such a good game. I have an HD version of it, somewhere. I should really get to it!
Going overboard with the Itchy Tasty references.

Page 21 – Space Jars and Shovels

Space Jars and Shovels

Yikes, rain. Nasty evil rain. Although, no matter what, rain is always pretty romantic. I don’t know. that’s me being all mooshy for the morning.

Got the dog. It was raining pretty bad. Oh, I went over the rain, already.

(go read video games list: {Link})

Check it out:

Damn, dood. Elektra got even more hot! wowee-wow-wow-wow!

I have more stuff, but that’ll have to wait until later, folks. I got chores to do.

{Addition – 11:38AM}
Marlon Brando is dead. *cries*

{Addition – 12:34PM}

What’s goin’ on here, then? Let’s see…

Well, for starters, I was going to rent somthing, but the rain kept me from doing so. Oh well, I guess I’ll go get that tomorrow.

I have some stuff I wanna talk about (mostly Iowa/Des Moines stuff) but have no energy to type such a thing rite now. Look for it… later… like… tomorrowish, or some such rot.

Anyhow, I guess I’ll go… waste… more… time… online…

{Addition – 12:41PM}
Oh crap! One more time:

Itchy. Tasty.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
If I remember correctly, the title of this post was from a rough translation of my mother’s mom’s handwriting in a birthday card.
The movie, “Elektra”, sits with a healthy 10% Fresh rating on RT these days. That’s about twice as high as I would have guessed.
The reality of Drake and “college” as a concept was finally starting to crash in on me, at about this point.

Page 21 – A Boob, Lost to Memory

“Check me out! No, really! Check me out!”

I’m back. oh man… head… woozy. yeah. fun.

Lets see… tons of moving. 10 hours, pretty much. god it was hot. gee whiz.

duh, uh…

my brain’s frazzled. but what happend? Oh yeah, I laughed at people that were smoking. yeah, then they drove past me and the chick driving flashed us (me and my fam) her boob. oh yeah. i still don’t believe that actually happened.

i gotta get up tomorrow and pick up the dog. planning on doing this as early as possible, but knowing me, it’ll happen around…. 10ish… 10ish:30… in that area.

i’ll talk about des moines and stuff tomorrow. i want to sleep, but have too much “life” in me to do so. it’ll be 1ish… 1ish:30 before I even head upstairs, probabably. yes. totally spelled that way for a reason.

itchy. tasty.

i’m trying to think if I have anything else i want to say… *thinks*

Oh well, no. I guess not, not anymore tonite.

{Addition – 11:50PM}
Hey, guess what? Mutombo has started his new list! Go check out what he thinks is the #100 game here: {Link}
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I read these things and find entries that contain anecdotes I don’t remember. This is one such entry.