Page 21 – Nurses

wha…? What’s going on?

Got all my car stuff taken care of. That’s good. It takes about $30 to fill the tank and stuff. Plates are on, stupid sticker stuff is off, now all I need to do is wash the sucker and take it places.

I gotta go to the heart dr. tomorrow morning. In Omaha. Hopefully he’ll say my medication is still doing its job (even though there was that full lap and a half where I forgot to take my medication… errr) and they won’t have to cut me open and put a thingie on my ticker. I really don’t want that.

Then I take Bane in to Jackson’s on Thursday to get the new antenae installed, free of charge! Then its on to Omaha this weekend to not only buy Bane a CD player, but go see Van Halen, too! Friggin’ sweet!

Then, depending on how things go, I might not come back until after the first weekend of August. I might just go with Peter back to Des Moines after, rather than make him drive to Omaha and back in one day, two days later. I’m going to attempt to have either Eternal Darkness or the Playstation Resident Evil trilogy to play while I’m there. I’m also going to go job hunting and maybe drag Peter to Collateral. I think that movie looks hella tight! I’m also seeing The Village this weekend, probabably on Saturday.

Anyhow, then I get back and… who knows what happens? Maybe I’ll have KOTOR back. But probably not.

oh, and Cosday of the Play:

Today we have some Nurses from the Silent Hill series. Now, they sure do look bloody, and the hair colour…? almost right…. Pretty decent
Nurses – 7/10

Photobucket and Xanga had some changes made in the same night? Crazy…
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Why DIDN’T I take a game system with me to Pete’s? I remember being so bored that he ended up buying me a $60 PC game he didn’t really have the money for (though I’ve always suspected he got money from my folks for this).
I don’t think I’ve ever owned Resident Evil 2 or 3 in any capacity. I should change this, but I think I heard they’re remaking 2, so I’ll just wait.

Page 21 – Big Rigs of the Wall

Sweet zombie jesus did I have a kickass dream last night!!!

I was driving our old van (the one we just traded in) to my grandmother’s house in Wauneta. But at Arapahoe (spelling – way off) there’s this big waystation-wall thinger that won’t let you through. You put your vehicle on a conveyor belt and then enter the wall.

Once inside, you’re stripped off your clothing, given a very warm looking robe, and sent to a room where you sit and wait to be called upon. When it’s finally your turn, you stand up and a wizard looking guy comes up and asks you some questions. Once that is over, he gives you a solid gold piece and a password, both used to leave, and then you’re allowed to leave to collect your belongings and continue down the road.

On my way to the vehicle storage area a black man who looked like he had been there for months stopped me and demanded that I give him my password and gold so he could leave. I told him I was going to use them and we got in a fight and I got my head bashed pretty hard and I blacked out.

When I came to, I was trying to get my wheelchair out of another conveyor belt (don’t know why I had a wheelchair, though) and before long I was fighting Dr. Octopus and being flung through walls. I was hurting pretty bad when the fight was over and I was on my way out. I handed in my gold and gave them my password and the let me see the light of day outside.

Once out, though, more trouble began. The black man I beat up earlier produced a handgun and shot me in the back eight times, each bullet making contact, each bullet ripping all the way through my body. I fell pretty hard. The medical staff at the wall pulled the bullets out of me and sent me back on my way in under two hours. Talk about fast! Then I got into my ridunkulously large big rig (yeah, it used to be a minivan, but changed) and because I couldn’t figure out how to make the gears shift, I ended up running over a McDonald’s drivethrough sign and crushed someone’s car on the way out.

Then I told Josh Helzer about the whole thing and he laughed and climbed into his own big rig.

Then I woke up. Now I’m in a world where I have no big rig and, sadly, I haven’t been shot in the back eight times. Drat
-533 Y0U N3X7 M15510N!!!

Added April 11, 2016
This dream. I had no memory of it.
I like how it starts off like a solid story idea about the gold and password and the trick of the trapped black man. But then it devolves quickly into a dream about Doctor Octopus. And Big Rigs. And Josh Helzer.
And why did I have to ruin the post with “leet speak” at the bottom? Ugh.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Makes an Analogy Between Car and Woman

Heheheheheheh…. Erin? You’ve only started to be jealous of me now?! Huh, most people started years ago.

I guess I’m still “on the road to recovery.” Not as fun as “Man vs Nature: The Road to Victory.” But still fun?

I guess, with life, you just gotta get over not being able to have the things you want and really think you need. Take me and yellow cars for example: I always lust over them and the day I got out to buy a car I search and I search, finding only one that is not only out of my price range, but probably not what I’m looking for in a school car anyhow. So I settle with the great car I have now.

Now I’m going to make an attempt to stop lusting over yellow cars so much because, quite frankly, I’m wasting a good chunk of time just thinking about them. I mean, yeah… when I see a yellow car I’ll smile and remember the good times we had (you know, times as in: me drooling over it, me wishing I was driving it, me paying attention to it instead of the road… you know, good times!). And if I ever get a chance to make it work with me and a yellow car, then… sure. I’ll go for it.

But for now, I’m moving on. It’ll be hard at first, I’m sure. But eventually I want it to be where I just notice the yellow car, and not have to verbally announce its presence. But thats a long way off, for now.

I’m going to sign up for Drake’s marching band, today. I can’t wait! Finally, somewhere where my drumming skills can actually be put to some kinda use, and not in the service of some dumbass “teacher” at Harvard Public School.

Also, in less than a week I’ll be at a Van Halen concert. Listening to that new Greatest Hits album I bought, I can’t wait. I’m going to go look up a song list, now, for the show!!!

Go here: and find out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. I’m a Quiz Show Contestant or a Jungle Explorer (with middle name added). What’re you?

Other than that, I still feel kinda sick-ish and now my waffle is done, so I will eat it. Then I must mow. Later

Added April 11, 2016
Long-winded analogy about how I plan to get over Rachel Samson. This is so obvious I almost didn’t want to point it out.
Can’t believe I was so pumped for a Van Halen CD…
Sorry, Young Skyler. We have neither made a living on game shows or in jungles.

Page 21 – Bane

I got a car. I’ll have pictures later!

This makes me happy!

And I got a Van Halen CD!

This makes me happy!


I have named the car “Bane” and that is what the plates will say, too.

I feel a bit better, today, than yesterday. But I sure have been doing an aweful lot of feeling down! a038e6d3f342253c5ea3c057fe37b41f I’m hoping to be a-ok again in four days. Five days. Ok, screw it: by the time I start college. There

Oh, yeah… Star Wars Episode III has a name. Check it out:

Added April 11, 2016
I had that car for… four-ish years? Before I got my yellow car? It was OK but the sound system kept going out. Replaced the speakers like, three times I think.
The first and only time I’ve owned a four-door vehicle, too.

Page 21 – Hard Mode is Hard

You guys so crazy…..

Silent Hill 2 on Hard with Hard puzzles sucks. Hardcore.

I’m going to eat more waffles. I like’m waffles!

I should probably hold back on making this post for now. I have nothing of any value to say at all, whatsoever.

Oh, I guess I can say that I’m…. not…. made…. of cheese ah crap, forget it. I’ll post again later…
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Still not made of cheese, to the best of my knowledge.

Page 21 – Hidden Files

Three things:

1. Everytime I get KOTOR to work, once I stop playing it, my machine can’t read the disc so I must uninstall it and then put it back on the damn machine again when I want to play it.

2. After two months of searching I’ve finally found the CD I burned “Puni Puni Poemi” on to. I burned it once but ended up burning the episodes as hidden files so when I went to watch them I got pissed because they were gone. But after awhile I got wise and thought “hey, maybe I put them on there as hidden files!” so for the past two months I’ve been searching for that CD and praying that I hadn’t thrown it away. I watched that show, today. Very, very strange…

3. It never fails: No matter how many times I try to remember things, I always forget. I missed “Last Comic Standing” on Tuesday because I forgot to record it, I missed Chloupek’s birthday because I was just absent minded, I forgot to buy a birthday card for people simply because I have nothing to remind me of their upcoming birthdays, etc. How sad… I forget everything…

anyhow, EC, happy birthday again!
anyhow, No one tell me what happened on “LCS” on Tuesday! I’ll catch the rerun!
anyhow, People who they will get to, your cards will make it eventually. Just late. So very late…

I gotta go to Hastings in a bit. To buy chicken. Yum.
And it looks like Mutombo is back! Yay!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Ah, the days before DVR, when you actually had to remember when something was on TV.
Why did I make them hidden files? Because they were almost R-Rated and I didn’t want someone (my parents) to stumble upon them. They’d never think to look for hidden files.
Me either, apparently.