Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Oversells how Awesome Van Halen is

Van Halen

Yep, I’m not coming back until way later next month. poop-pants, not MC Pee Pants

le *sigh*

the village is at 1:30 at the AMC theatre in omaha. be there or be “not a bartels family member”

oh yeah, did I mention: Van Halen.

It hit me last night as I was watching Hellboy (KICK ASS MOVIE!!!) just how awesome Van Halen is going to be. I mean, these guys… they’re legends in rock history. In the same way that I didn’t believe it was Paul McCartney a few years back, I will probably fail to believe I’m watching Eddie go.

*sigh* gotta pack up for over a week’s worth of… nothing. But during that week I intend to job-hunt, play PS2, see some movies, and generally annoy the hell outta my brother while he attempts to study. It should be entertaining. Then I come back home for 10 days. TEN DAYS! How will I waste them? Mowing, building, sanding, painting, gnashing, biting, burning! Oh, got into Treebeard a bit, there.

So, someday I’ll return. But for now, this is Skyler Bartels… signing out. You stay classy, Planet Earth!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Job hunt?! I sure didn’t have a job outside off work study until I was in my third year.
Why the hell didn’t I take my PS2 with me?
Van Halen. I fucking hate Van Halen. Go die in a hole, Eddie.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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