Page 21 – Not Dead or Dying

I guess I’m not dead. Or dying. w00t!

I decided to keep up the biking! Will I make it? Of course not! But I’ma still gonna try to make it out there.

I need to go to GI NOW!!!! But I’ll never make it… Oh well!

Why can’t this thing work? *points to thing* Oh well!

Simpsons is on and its not letting me focus. No real post here.

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
At least I’m open to admitting that this post was pointless, back when I wrote it. Ugh.
It might seem inconsequential to you as a reader, or even to me as a reader in the future. But when I have to archive each and every post like this, this filler stuff is murder.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

7 thoughts on “Page 21 – Not Dead or Dying”

  1. “DEATH!!!!” *points*
    “Grandpa! That’s Maggie” *camera pans to Maggie*
    “suck suck”
    Congrats on the car…that’s pretty cool.
    Pace maker’s aren’t too bad, my mom’s sister has had one since she was 20 and my great aunt on the same side of the family had one and lived until she was 98. I’ll probobly have to get one too if I faint for unknown reasons like I did earlier this spring. We’ll see. We’ll see.


  2. P.S. Heheheheh…when Zak was on about Maggie being death, I thought he meant the other Maggie.


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