Page 21 – One Lady Barfed

what the hell is going on? huh?

well, take car in. come home.

no “good frosting”

getting sooooo ready to leave harvard but sooooo not looking forward to missing “home”

i heard some beth orton at the nebraska furniture mart today. from the album i own. no one in the store liked it. i think one lady barfed. i liked it…

Since Jeremiah brought it up, I guess I’ll do a segment I will now call:
1. My favorite, non-Boba Fett Star Wars bounty hunter character is actually IG-88!!!

Anyhow, talk to you guys later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Here’s something new Jeremiah doesn’t know about me, at this point:
One of my favorite albums to listen to at work is “Pelagial” by The Ocean.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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