Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Makes an Analogy Between Car and Woman

Heheheheheheh…. Erin? You’ve only started to be jealous of me now?! Huh, most people started years ago.

I guess I’m still “on the road to recovery.” Not as fun as “Man vs Nature: The Road to Victory.” But still fun?

I guess, with life, you just gotta get over not being able to have the things you want and really think you need. Take me and yellow cars for example: I always lust over them and the day I got out to buy a car I search and I search, finding only one that is not only out of my price range, but probably not what I’m looking for in a school car anyhow. So I settle with the great car I have now.

Now I’m going to make an attempt to stop lusting over yellow cars so much because, quite frankly, I’m wasting a good chunk of time just thinking about them. I mean, yeah… when I see a yellow car I’ll smile and remember the good times we had (you know, times as in: me drooling over it, me wishing I was driving it, me paying attention to it instead of the road… you know, good times!). And if I ever get a chance to make it work with me and a yellow car, then… sure. I’ll go for it.

But for now, I’m moving on. It’ll be hard at first, I’m sure. But eventually I want it to be where I just notice the yellow car, and not have to verbally announce its presence. But thats a long way off, for now.

I’m going to sign up for Drake’s marching band, today. I can’t wait! Finally, somewhere where my drumming skills can actually be put to some kinda use, and not in the service of some dumbass “teacher” at Harvard Public School.

Also, in less than a week I’ll be at a Van Halen concert. Listening to that new Greatest Hits album I bought, I can’t wait. I’m going to go look up a song list, now, for the show!!!

Go here: and find out what you’re going to do with the rest of your life. I’m a Quiz Show Contestant or a Jungle Explorer (with middle name added). What’re you?

Other than that, I still feel kinda sick-ish and now my waffle is done, so I will eat it. Then I must mow. Later

Added April 11, 2016
Long-winded analogy about how I plan to get over Rachel Samson. This is so obvious I almost didn’t want to point it out.
Can’t believe I was so pumped for a Van Halen CD…
Sorry, Young Skyler. We have neither made a living on game shows or in jungles.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

12 thoughts on “Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Makes an Analogy Between Car and Woman”

  1. Erin: Top Gun Pilot
    Erin Illian: Brain Surgeon
    Erin Elizabeth Illian: Muppet Impersonator
    Erin Elizabeth Lucy Illian, Your ideal job is a Anything where you can kiss ass.

    “drumming skills”? Napoleon Dynamite has skills. Like nun-chuck skills.


  2. hey, i happen to like smooth jazz…you get 0 eprops for that and for posting crap in my guestbook everyday


  3. LOL! OK, the job that pops up when I put in my full name is “Supermodel” but if I put in just my first and last name it comes out “professional tramp”


  4. Heheheheheheh, nice jobs. I wish I could have cool jobs like that. Oh, wait… I get to be a Jungle Explorer. Unlike Eric Chloupek. Type his name in and try to make sense of that.-Skyler


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