Page 21 – Bane

I got a car. I’ll have pictures later!

This makes me happy!

And I got a Van Halen CD!

This makes me happy!


I have named the car “Bane” and that is what the plates will say, too.

I feel a bit better, today, than yesterday. But I sure have been doing an aweful lot of feeling down! a038e6d3f342253c5ea3c057fe37b41f I’m hoping to be a-ok again in four days. Five days. Ok, screw it: by the time I start college. There

Oh, yeah… Star Wars Episode III has a name. Check it out:

Added April 11, 2016
I had that car for… four-ish years? Before I got my yellow car? It was OK but the sound system kept going out. Replaced the speakers like, three times I think.
The first and only time I’ve owned a four-door vehicle, too.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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