Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Oversells how Awesome Van Halen is

Van Halen

Yep, I’m not coming back until way later next month. poop-pants, not MC Pee Pants

le *sigh*

the village is at 1:30 at the AMC theatre in omaha. be there or be “not a bartels family member”

oh yeah, did I mention: Van Halen.

It hit me last night as I was watching Hellboy (KICK ASS MOVIE!!!) just how awesome Van Halen is going to be. I mean, these guys… they’re legends in rock history. In the same way that I didn’t believe it was Paul McCartney a few years back, I will probably fail to believe I’m watching Eddie go.

*sigh* gotta pack up for over a week’s worth of… nothing. But during that week I intend to job-hunt, play PS2, see some movies, and generally annoy the hell outta my brother while he attempts to study. It should be entertaining. Then I come back home for 10 days. TEN DAYS! How will I waste them? Mowing, building, sanding, painting, gnashing, biting, burning! Oh, got into Treebeard a bit, there.

So, someday I’ll return. But for now, this is Skyler Bartels… signing out. You stay classy, Planet Earth!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Job hunt?! I sure didn’t have a job outside off work study until I was in my third year.
Why the hell didn’t I take my PS2 with me?
Van Halen. I fucking hate Van Halen. Go die in a hole, Eddie.

Page 21 – February 13, 2004

February 13, 2004

Added April 11, 2016
I don’t have much to say about this time placement marker, here, so I’ll just say I am watching the scene in Game of Thrones where Robb finds out he has a kid on the way and its all so horrible.
This is immediately followed by Tormund talking about fucking women. It is fantastic. The juxtaposition of it all!


Page 21 – The Bubba II

Parasite, Baby!

I started playing through Parasite Eve, again (since I killed everyone in Ascendancy this morning) and boy is it still fun! The best aspect of that game is the fact that you can carry over the modified weapons you made from one game and continue to modify them next time you play. I have already completed the game’s “perfect gun” (The Bubba II) and am working on the armour, now.

I guess Van Halen is tomorrow night. I’m all kindsa pumped for that show. Floor seats’n all. I’m, like, friggin’ thrilled, seriously. Only one other concert in the future has built this much anticipation in me: The hypothetical Hooverphonic/Depeche Mode show. I tell you, if those guys actually go ahead and do that concert, I’d probably have a heart attack.

Speaking of Parasite Eve, if they remade that game for PS2 with Gamecube Resident Evil visuals, I would cry. I would seriously cry. It would be like God smiled upon the Eart and said “Skyler, you’ve done nothing to deserve it, but here: Parasite Eve remake!” And I’d be all: “Thank you, God. Despite what some people say, yer actually alright!” Yeah, that’d be swell.

I think I’m seeing The Village tomorrow, too. And getting back my precious KOTOR. I’ve been without for soooo looooong….

I’m still in love with Rachel, Tessa, Amy, Shelley, Tim, Ryan, and the rest of the cast of Scary Go Round

As much as it would benefit everyone involved, I’d rather just come home after this weekend and spend time here before I leave for almost a full week. I’ll probably get back on Sunday the 8th or Monday the 9th of next month. That’ll leave me 10 days of “home-time” before I’m off’n away. *sigh*

Oh, and I went to a birthday thinger last night. I had ice cream cake’n stuff and then I watched the end results of the Wild Card Last Comic Standing. As much as I like Jay London, Todd Glass should have gotten back in. That guy had it in the bag.

That there is Steve Vai’s best album (maybe. Passion and Warfare was pretty good…)

Oh well

Anyhow, I’ll talk to you guys later. I’m gonna eat something, convince Mutombo to make a post on The List 2 and play more Parasite Eve.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Man. The Bubba II. I couldn’t really play that game ever again without that gun. It killed everything – including the end bosses – in one pull of the trigger. The armor I was working on made it impossible for me to really take much damage. More or less I was unstoppable.
On this subject: If they ever – EVER – came around to remaking that first game with updated visuals, I’d buy it so fast your head would spin.
“I’m still in love with Rachel” was such a simple attempt at confessing my feelings at the time to the person in real life by that name.
“The Village” – man oh man.

Page 21 – Another “Dinosaur’s Story” Reference

We’re Back! (Not a Dinosaur’s Story)

so it appears that everyone is dead. huhm. same ol’ same ol’, huh?

drove the car in, brought it back. that was…. uh, ok? sure. why not? the radio works, now. which is grood. on the way back I “happened upon” Jeremiah in his car. He followed me home, then I followed him home, then he followed me, then I followed him to Harvard. Then after my bike ride I ran across him at the School and actually talked to him. Damn that guy has been in the sun a bit.

I also stopped in Hastings and spent some time with Sarah. Nothing special about today, just thought I’d drop in, tell her how things were going. I’m not going to be able to visit as often as I used to, here in under a month, and I’ve really been neglecting dropping in. I used to stop and see her every night after work last summer, and talk. Now I feel sad because I won’t get to see her as often… *sigh* I just keep finding new people to leave behind…

I’m very, very confused right now about some stuff. Huhm…

Star Trek IV is on AMC. Its the one with the whales. And “Nuclear Wessles!” Heheheheheheheheheh….. And Spock learns to swear. “One damn minute Admiral…”

I don’t understand some stuff. But nothing important. Or is it? oooooOOOOOOOoooooooo

I have found my new webcomic obsession. It is
And I love it.

Since it appears that I’m not going anywhere tonight, I guess I’ll just stay home and watch the new Last Comic Standing. Otherwise, if something comes up, I’ll be sure to tape it, this time!!! *shakes fist*

Anyhow, talk to everyone later. I guess I’ll go wish I had KOTOR and end up playing Ascendancy, instead. I played that for about five hours.
-See you next mission!!!

And for those of you who think the Atkins diet is bad:


Page 21 – Why Would I Do This?

WHAT THE HELL IS GOING ON!!?!?!?!?! I’ll probably have three posts of the same damn thing!
I’m running all kinds of tests on the internet (like logging in and out of MSN as fast as I can) and so forth and now the internet is going to die on me?!

I was mid-load on about 12 flash animations and almost done with 11 downloads, too. Damn…
-See you next mission???

Added April 11, 2016
Sometimes Young Skyler’s antics confound me.

Page 21 – One Lady Barfed

what the hell is going on? huh?

well, take car in. come home.

no “good frosting”

getting sooooo ready to leave harvard but sooooo not looking forward to missing “home”

i heard some beth orton at the nebraska furniture mart today. from the album i own. no one in the store liked it. i think one lady barfed. i liked it…

Since Jeremiah brought it up, I guess I’ll do a segment I will now call:
1. My favorite, non-Boba Fett Star Wars bounty hunter character is actually IG-88!!!

Anyhow, talk to you guys later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
Here’s something new Jeremiah doesn’t know about me, at this point:
One of my favorite albums to listen to at work is “Pelagial” by The Ocean.

Page 21 – Not Dead or Dying

I guess I’m not dead. Or dying. w00t!

I decided to keep up the biking! Will I make it? Of course not! But I’ma still gonna try to make it out there.

I need to go to GI NOW!!!! But I’ll never make it… Oh well!

Why can’t this thing work? *points to thing* Oh well!

Simpsons is on and its not letting me focus. No real post here.

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
At least I’m open to admitting that this post was pointless, back when I wrote it. Ugh.
It might seem inconsequential to you as a reader, or even to me as a reader in the future. But when I have to archive each and every post like this, this filler stuff is murder.

Page 21 – No 6:30 AM Dr. Appointment

lies…. all lies!

I guess my dad tricked me. Appt. isn’t until 11:45, not at 6:30. Baah!

So I guess, I’ll talk to you guys later. Hopefully everything’ll check out ok and maybe they’ll actually find my heart this year!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 11, 2016
I haven’t been on heart meds for a few years, now. I started taking them about a year ago, again, but it caused me cardiac issues and made me physically ill if I exerted myself at all. So I quit.