Page 21 – Werd to the Onion

Pitch White

Yeah. That’s a lame ol’ title.

This should be an interesting week. Today is a nothing day, then tomorrow I think I’m going to do something. Tuesday I should be up to stuff. Then Wednesday – Saturday I’ll be at Drake’s freshman orientation’n stuff.


duuuuuh….. I forgot to watch that movie, last nite. Whoops. I ran outta things to say already? Dag, yo.

I wanna watch Dr. Strangelove

{Addition – 5:25PM}
And now I’m depressed…


-See you next mission!!!

Currently Wishing I Was Watching
Dr. Strangelove or How I Learned to Stop Worrying and Love the Bomb (Special Edition)
By Peter Sellers, George C. Scott
see related

Added April 7, 2016
Why am I depressed? You’ll never know. And neither will I, anymore. God damn it, Young Skyler.
Is it because you aren’t watching Dr. Strangelove? You’ll get over it, man.

Page 21 – “If I Had a Nickel for Every Time I Got a Nickel, That’d be a Pretty Sweet Setup”


Like Neo before me, I have “Whoa’d”

Spent the weekend out, and apparently missed the landing of aliens. Uh, listened to every goddamn Hooverphonic album I own (which is now, finally, all of them!) and, uh… ok, here goes.

Saw Harry Potter. It was ok. Not as good as the last one.

A round of applause for Rachel Samson. The dog was alive and well when I returned home. If I haven’t told you already, thanks much!

What else have I got?
“If I had a nickel for every time I got a nickel, that’d be a pretty sweet setup”
-Peter Bartels

what else, what else, what else…

uuuuuh….. Nothin’? Yeah, that sounds about rite. Forgot to take my camera with me. Heh, sorry…

Anyhow, I guess I’m taking off for now. I still gotta fit in a bike ride (yeah rite!) tonite. Later, kiddos
{Addition – 9:15PM}
No bike ride. Whoops.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I wish I’d taken more pictures in my youth…
That Pete quote!
Rachel Samson must have come over to let the dog out and keep her fed this weekend. I have no memory of such a thing.

Page 21 – Wrong Version of Names

and no, I didn’t forget about this:

And now that I’ve got your attention, I’ll make a small, real post.

The Alley of the Damned Part II

I’m heading out for the weekend today. Going to spend the nite tonite in Omaha, do stuff tomorrow. I might have to go see Harry Potter, but thats a-ok because it’ll have Gary Oldman in it. And I like him. He and Allen Rickman should get into a fight. But at the end, Allen would fall out of a window and Gary would walk away only to see the pin from the grenade in his hand as he explodes. That’d be cool. Whoa, totally off topic, there.

I’m not a liar, Rachel. The only person here who is a liar is… well, ok. Me. But anyhow…

Anyhow, I’ll probably be back Saturday nite. Maybe I’ll catch some of you then! OOH! OOH! With pictures (maybe)Later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Jesus Time is heating up!
I don’t remember why we were going to Omaha, unless it was just to see the movie? Who knows. I’m sure I’ll explain it, eventually.
Too bad I didn’t know how to spell Alan Rickman’s name. Now he’s dead and he’ll never know the shame I feel, now.

Page 21 – CD Review

The Alley of the Damned

I’m going to review this cd because I can. Watch me go.

Track 1: Antarctica
First Appeared On:
This album
This song is sooooo good. The line “When there’s nothing to lose there is piece of the mind” is just nice. Geike Arnaert is a wonderful singer. This track is just perfect.

Track 2: One
First Appeared On:
Presents Jackie Cane
The redone version of this song is a-ok in my book. It’s a little slow and could stand to use a bit more… life. But its still good. The strings are fine and I like it. Solid. But not as good as the original.

Track 3: Inhaler
First Appeared On:
A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular
I like this new version better than the first one. It’s great! Geike takes over from the Hoov’s first vocalist and does a magnificent job. The string arrangment is just nice and melodic, too. Great stuff

Track 4: Jacky Cane
First Appeared On:
The Magnificent Tree
Bleh! This version is too slow and dull. It’s almost boring. This is the only song on this album I wish they would have just left off. But near the end the strings do make the song much better. It’s ok, then. But Geike doesn’t seem as into it as she usually is on this track. Hmm…

Track 5: My Autumn’s Done Come
First Appeared On:
This album
Another new song. This one is, although great because its new, kinda a letdown. Each time Hooverphonic does a new album, they have a new feel. I hope this song isn’t a foreshadowing for what their next CD is going to be like. The style is ok in one song, but not for a whole album. Geike seems to be enjoying it, though. And that makes me enjoy it, too.

Track 6: 2Wicky
First Appeared On:
A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular
I loved this song on NSSS. It was just so…. trip-hop. This is the band’s original roots, rite here. The redone version of it sparkles and shines like nothing else. If it weren’t for the last two live tracks on this album, 2Wicky would be the high point of the CD.

Track 7: Frosted Flake Wood
First Appeared On:
The Magnificent Tree
The first version of this was crazy! It made no sense! This version is no better, lyricly speaking, but musically? Oh, so much better! The deep cellos and bass sounds are great and the piano work is astounding. Geike isn’t as “on” with this song as the others, though, and actually seems to be her weakest song on the live album. But its still a fun song.

Track 8: Eden
First Appeared On:
Blue Wonder Power Milk
It’s a shame that this is the only song from Blue Wonder Power Milk. But the award for prettiest song on this album goes to Eden. The piano paired with Geike’s wonderous voice is just… *deep sigh of love* Flawless. Simply flawless. Buy this album for this song, stay for the redo’s of Sometimes and World Is Mine.

Track 9: Vinegar & Salt
First Appeared On:
The Magnificent Tree
I love this song on Tree and now its better than before. The loss of the synth stuff is overshadowed by the lovely addition of the extra strings. Geike’s vocals are rock solid in this song and the added silent moment near the mid-point gives me chills everytime. Wonderful!

Track 10: Sad Song
First Appeared On:
Presents Jackie Cane
This is almost a flawless translation from the original. It’s minus the slide whistle, though, which subtracts some points. But it is still a great song and Geike still seems to be in love with it. That’s good enough for me.

Track 11: Someone
First Appeared On:
A New Stereophonic Sound Spectacular
I never liked this song when I first heard it, in fact I’d say it was probably my least favorite Hooverphonic song of all time. This redone, string version doesn’t change that. Much. It’s still pretty and Geike does a much better job on it than the first singer (whose name is both unpronounceable and unspellable!). I’ll give it an extra 1.2 for that.

Track 12: The World Is Mine
First Appeared On:
Presents Jackie Cane
I love this song. I’m having this version played at my wedding, even though it won’t fit. It just feels like a song you’d play at a wedding. The lyrics are fun, the strings are lively, and Geike just seems to be having as great a time as ever. I love this song!

Track 13: Sometimes
First Appeared On:
Presents Jackie Cane
This song is perfect. I remember the first time I heard it on Jackie Cane. I had to listen to it twice more to prove that I wasn’t hearing things. This version on Sit Down and Listen to is flawless. 100%. It’s the perfect song. This is Hooverphonic at its best.

Track 14: The Last Thing I Need Is You
First Appeared On:
This album
The only studio recorded song here. Its a good one, too. Geike seems to be having the most fun with this song over all others. And its no surprise, either. The lyrics and the music are just fun. Almost jumps back to trip-hop roots, there for a second. But then comes back. Yay! I hope they steer in this direction for their next album.

Overall: Their best CD? Probably. My favorite? No. That’s a toss-up between Magnificent Tree and Jackie Cane. But its still good.

Songs That SHOULD Have Made It:
Battersea. Duh. I have no idea why it didn’t show up. And Out of Sight? What about Club Montepulciano? *cries* Well, that would have been too much of a good thing, I guess. Oh well. Ooh! Ooh! And they should have had Hooverphonic’s cover of the Depeche Mode song Shake the Disease. That’s my favorite Hoov song, rite now.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
This review made me start listening to the album, right now. As I type the period at the end of this sentence.
This album got better with age.

Page 21 – It Let you See a Naked Anime Girl

New Thing Is… Erm… Nice

Hey, have you guys seen those new “Spy VS Spy” Mt. Dew commercials? Those are the best commercials ever.

Hey, for those of you who own Noir DVD 1 (yeah, I’m talking to you, Rachel), put it in your player, and on the main menu you just need to hit up then down when you select the first episode. You know, as the guy is getting shot. Trust me. I cracked up.

Well. Rexephexaphalphalon time for me!
-See you next mission!!!

Currently Watching
RahXephon – Harmonic Convergence (Vol. 3 and 4)
see related


Added April 7, 2016
Never got close to finishing Noir.
Never will, either.

Page 21 – Raxephexphaxaphalon

Plastic Bag Clips Are Now Sheep

I woke up today at about 11, stayed in bed until 1PM. That was the coolness. I watched maybe the first two DVD’s of that Rexephexaphalphalon (sp?) and its ok. It’s no Bebop. But it’s ok.

It’ll be tough for any anime show to top Bebop for me. But we’ll see. No final words yet.

Uhm… I need to go biking. And I need to, I dunno… do something. Otherwise I’ll spend the day watching that show.

Peter heads into work today. No that wasn’t me. I didn’t get up anywhere near that time of day. And yes, it is scary that it is June already.

I have orientation at Drake in Des Moines Iowa this month! WAAAAH! That happens on the 10th and 11th (thursday and friday). That should be… interesting…

Hey! I’ll be 19 on July 5th of this year! how about that? Not that that means much…

Well, because I love you guys, the new Jesus Time
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 7, 2016
Man, Jesus Time had some quality ideas behind it.
Drake Orientation is inbound. Scary.

Page 21 – Album vs Album

It’s June!!!


Well, I talked to Justin on MSN. That rocked my socks off.

I’ve now got about 9-million years worth of Rahxephon (sp? who cares, I’ll still mispronounce it every time!) to watch. I’ll finish up with it before the end of November, hopefully!

Depeche        Hooverphonic

The winner is, saddly, Depeche Mode. I listen to that CD more than my new Hoov. The saddness….

Otherwise, nothing too note-worthy today. Check in tomorrow for the next jesus time
-See you next mission!!!

Currently Watching
RahXephon – The Whole Friggin’ Thing!!!
see related

Added April 7, 2016
Young Skyler foolishly gave this victory to the wrong contestant. What an idiot.
That series was kinda cool but kinda dumb. I don’t really remember.