deviantart – I’m Back… Back in the New York Groove+

Well that was… interesting.

Anyhow, I got a date tonite, otherwise I’d upload my next comic. But it’ll have to wait until tomorrow, now.


Anyhow, I look forward to checking out all the art I missed out on while I was out.


{Addition – Monday}
And I’m back. I posted a new comic. Weeeeee

Added April 13, 2017
Going backwards through these to post them was the wrong choice because I don’t know what I’m referencing, here, at the start of the thing. Probably something to do with a piece of art and not another post, but who knows.

Page 21 – Kinda an Explosion

Back – At Home (and making a post… not play Chrono Trigger…)

HOLY HELL it was hot out there, this morning. Humid, too. The number one trouble-thing though, was my father. He decided to burn things. And as much as I like a good burning-thing, it was hot and kinda silly and shouldn’t have happened. Oh well, it was kinda an explosion, I guess.

Oh, didn’t I tell you that I’d post those pictures and stories and stuff? Well, here you go. A little segment I like to call:


Photobucket is being a bastard. Sorry if these pictures won’t load.

You know what… photobucket can go screw itself. I’m through with it for now.

I’m just going to go, get some ice cream, and eat it in bed. crying.

You’ll have to hope things work out better for me waaaaaaaaay later tonite, or tomorrow. I’ve got stuff  to do tonite….. fun stuff. Liiiiiiiiiiike…. well, dating, really. But, oh well.

You’ll just have to hate Photobucket (and the world) along with me. See ya later!

{Addition – 4:39PM}
Here, have a picture of my dog

{Addition – Later PM}
Well well well… what have we here?

Sorry about the Photobucket crap. That damn website and I are about to tangle, and it ain’t gonna be pretty… no sir!

Dating was… great, actually. I think I’m as close to the happiest I can be while ite and abite. Of course, I had to be an ass and bring Sarah up… twice. That was smooth.

I did have a hard time with her, today (Sarah). I don’t know why. I almost fell apart at about 4 (around the Photobucket time), but I pulled myself together and managed a pretty good day. I’m just happy I got it all taken care of.

I dunno… its been a pretty hard couple of weeks, for some reason. I dunno… missing her I guess. I haven’t cried about it, though, for a few months. And no, its not like its building up and needs getting out rite now. It’s just… well, thats about as deep into this as I’m going to go, here… tonite.

Well, anyway. I did stuff I wanted to today and I neglected to do other things. I got accomplished things that I didn’t want to do and ended up backing down on the things I thought I should do. It was an average day. When you take the day time and add it to the nite I had, it all evens out pretty well.

Anyhow, I promise you, promise you I’ll have those pictures and stuff up tomorow. Damn it… and the next comic. Damn it… and some cosplay. It’s gonnna be an ass-load of pictures tomorrow. Maybe no cosplay. That sounds like a Tuesday thing.

Anhwho… this post has gone on long enough. Until I catch you fools again!

{Addition – Even Later PM}
Oh yeah! I can’t wait to go see Van Halen. That’ll be awesome!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Why did I even bother dating at this point? What a waste of time.
I won’t dwell too much on most of the other things, here, aside from stating that I’m glad I’m over the tragic passing of my sister enough to not be suddenly stricken with unbearable grief at the drop of a hat.
And that dog. Man. That dog.

Page 21 – More Third Person

Back – At Home

Remember the story of how Skyler was going to post a story + pictures today? That story was not true.

Return tomorrow, he says. He told me he’s too tired. But not too tired to play Chrono Trigger until the wee hours of the nite.

But you can catch him on MSN, if you’d like.

{Addition – 9:00PM}
Dood, check out these clouds! They R0X0R!

Awwww…… how sad. They didn’t turn out quite as well as they could have. crap. They still looked really cool. Hmmm…

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Nice clouds!
I think Chrono Trigger is on the eShop for New 3DS. Maybe I’ll pick it up. I don’t have a version of it without all the stupid anime cutscenes and the combat slowdown that came with the PS1 version.

Page 21 – The Sewers of the Future, Today!

Can I Get Serious For A Moment, Please?

Well, here’s me. I’m up at 7am, again. *yawn*

This’ll probably be my last post until Saturday afternoon/nite. Yeah, I know. Sad.

Uhm, I should only be gone until Saturday to Drake’s orientation, but then there’s my uncle. He’s got a brain tumor and goes in to surgery today. I’ve got high hopes that everything will work out ok, but if it doesn’t I might be home Sunday or later.

I’m watching Who Framed Roger Rabbit. This movie is a classic. It’s almost perfect.

Anyhow, I gotta do some stuff. I’ll talk to you later.

{Addition – 1:20PM}
and by “stuff” I did mean more Chrono Trigger. I’ve made it past the part where you save Melchoir on the Mountain of Woe and have had my first game over since I started fighting the twin Golems. I will defeat them upon my return.

{Addition – 1:25PM}
Just so you can see the sweet-ass setup I had while playing CT, I used my big screen TV to capture its’ wonderous… erm, wonder

-Here I am beating up some bad guys in the sewers of the future!oooOOOOOooo!

{Additon – 7:30PM}

{Addition – Thursday}

Well, I’m off to that thing today. Maybe you’ll hear from me tomorrow. As to why I just keep adding on to the same post? I don’t have any idea.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I’ve always loved that picture.
Yes, that’s literally all I have to say on this one, this time.

deviantart – And Away I Go!

I did this comic last nite, and was actually going to have a message but, nah. Screw it. I’ll just introduce my sidekick in this one and call it quits.

I head off for Des Moines, today. I’m hoping to be back Saturday afternoon/nite. Not that you guys really care.

Anyhow, I look forward to seeing everyone’s work when I get back. So have something neat for me to take a peek at!

Added April 13, 2017
There will be a piece of art to go with this, I assume. Until then, its anybody’s guess.
Orientation weekend. Ugh. What a waste that was.

Page 21 – Epoch, NOT Govna

Chrono Trigger Day 2 – Part 2

I just got done with my day. Its 9pm, now.

My posts have been kinda lame, lately. I know, I know… I’ll try to work on that. Check in tomorrow for info on that… not in the mood, rite now.

Anyhow, I’m on my way to go get the Epoch (thanks, leah!) and then hopefully put in another hour or so before the nite is over. Then I gotta get up and head out tomorrow for orientation and… other stuff (check in tomorrow).

Isn’t it funny how an unexpected phone call, from the rite person at the rite time, can totally overshadow the mood of the entire day? Even if the day’s been great and the phone call was good? The phone call just makes the day? Yeah, I got that feeling, today. It was good.

Oh, and I watched The Professional. If you haven’t seen this movie, watch it. It’s friggin’ awesome.

Anyhow. Talk to you later
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
You know its coming, so sing along with me:
“Man, I should watch ‘The Professional’ tonight!”

Page 21 – Chrono Trigger Day 2

Chrono Trigger Day 2

I woke up at 7:40 with only one goal in mind:

To beat Chrono Trigger.

See you people tomorrow (maybe)

{Addition – 1:32PM}
Still playing

{Addition – 5:58PM}
Well, I quit a bit ago. That makes almost 10 hours straight. It was fun, I got past Zeal for the first time, and am now on my way to get the time machine ship. I can’t remember its name, but I always rename it The Govna. Don’t konw why. It’s just fun to say.

But I didn’t beat it, which makes me sad. Oh well, 10 hours is good enough for me!

I’ll be back tomorrow with a Jesus Time before I go, another Chrono Trigger update, and a bit of life-based story. Basically what’s been going on with me for the past two days that is non-CT related. Later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Even on days where Aubrey is gone and I could play a game for ten hours straight I feel absolutely no reason to and get nothing out of it but a feeling like I’ve wasted a day.

Page 21 – More Jesus Time

Chrono Trigger

I love that game. I’m gonna play the hell outta it today and tomorrow and have it beat before I go to Drake. That’ll be swell.

Not much else to say, so here’s the new Jesus Time:

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I like how every time I’ve ever played Chrono Trigger its because I just suddenly decided to play it, out of the blue.

deviantart – College – Art – Life

This week is sad for artist (heheheh, “artist”) Skyler Bartels. He is without fun and stuff. Yeah. So I’m playing through Chrono Trigger. Blazing through, playing the hell outta it, whizzin’ on by… whichever you like. That’s what I’m up to.

This comic series is moving somewhere soon. Trust me.

I hope to have another one up sometime before Thursday. I have to go to college orientation in Des Moines Wednesday night. I’ll be there waaaaaaaaaay into Saturday. That should be, interesting.

Well, enough about my boring life. You just want more crazy Jesus Time. So, there’s #9. Enjoy!

Added April 13, 2017
My boring life, indeed.