Page 21 – Alien Trash Can

Call me sexist, but a chick CAN NOT be the “Monkey KING!!!”

Well, after some fun last nite (thanks steve! ah, nostalgia. Chloupek and I actually had some fun!) I awake to day to find that the reason I’m not having the plans I had is because we’re going to do a LotR marathon.

Interesting. That makes me upset. I had fun plans… not saying lotr isn’t fun… but, poop-stick, anyhow…

OMFG that Page 21 story SUCKS!

Well, I’ll talk to you guys… later?

-See you next mission!!!


Finished Watching
The Lord of the Rings – The Fellowship of the Ring (Platinum Series Special Extended Edition)
By Elijah Wood
see related

This movie rocks! 9.7/10


Finished Watching Watching
The Lord of the Rings – The Two Towers (Platinum Series Special Extended Edition)
By Elijah Wood
see related

Oh man, this movie is soooo boring in the middle! MORE ACTION!

Added April 7, 2016
Man, I don’t think I could ever stomach an extended trilogy marathon again. Its just too exhausting. The thought of it all… the horror, the complete horror.
I don’t know what that picture is. I don’t know why I drew it. There’s another one, “Germbo”, coming up eventually. I have a history of drawing completely random stuff.

Page 21 – Page 21

Never trust a man who names his pants after himself…

Father’s day this weekend. I was supposed to go fishing tomorrow but can’t, weather is going to be nasty (but probably won’t be). I made other plans kinda but those are shot, now. They’ll have to wait until next weekend.

I’ve got nothing else to say rite now. It’s too cold to go out biking so that’ll have to wait a bit. Oh well.

{Addition – 11:44AM}
I found something to write about. I had this idea for a character once. His name was Page (hint hint: PAGE21?) and he had all these crazy ass powers and stuff. I was always going to write that story but I don’t really want to, anymore. Number one, Page was based around me. But with crazy ass powers. Plus, the idea for the story (he would be this hunter of ghosts and stuff and was on a team of 25 members. He was #21. Hence…) is too cliche and lame to actually use.

Yesterday I just decided to write the damn story up in a 10-15 page short story. So I’m going to work on it. But isn’t it funny how that one character that I came up with about 5ish years ago (maybe 4? 3, even?) was the basis for not only this xanga site (Page21) but my email addy (Page_21) my Gamefaqs account (Page21) my deviantART account (Page21) and so on and so on. But I never wrote the damn story.

Oh, and to all those people that I told Page 21 was a reference to some book or something, that was a lie. I just didn’t want to talk about the horrible story I never wrote.

{Addition – 2:40PM}
Oh my lord this story sucks! Can you say “no character development?”

But its still one of the most fun stories I’ve ever had the pleasure of writing. It almost makes me want to write up a text version of “Hreny Eats Bus Monkey.” The play would have been a smash hit, but a novel could be better… hmmm….

-See you next mission!!!

{Addition – 6:58PM}

Added April 7, 2016
That entire story is posted up on fictionpress. The story will inevitably wind up here, too, so don’t worry about looking for it.
It IS awful.

Page 21 – A Bold Description and Analysis of a Dream

“I‘ll take MY Ozzie Pants in an XL, please!”

Here. I wrote this at 2-3AM this morning.

            You ever been up at 2AM because you couldn’t sleep? Like, you try and you try but it just won’t happen? I have been dealing with this… a lot, recently…

I’ve tried many things to put me to sleep. Music used to work, but then I started listening and was as awake as I was before I started the CD once it was over.

            TV never helps. At 2AM there is nothing on, so I just surf for hours.

            Rachel was telling me about something her friends do to get to sleep. No. No.

            Now I’m going to change this subject quite rite fast like. You see, the lack of sleep is not what I want to talk about… dreams are.

            Since this 2AM business started, I’ve had lots of dreams, and they’re all somehow linked. Last week they were all linked by one person: “she-who-I-am-dating.” Now they are all linked by Sarah.

            This week, Sarah has been teaming up with bike rides to kick my ass on all fronts. Biking takes me down physically and Sarah gets me emotionally. And she’s hitting me hard in my dreams.

            But that’s not the main thing, no. Sarah is not the main topic either. It’s just the dreams.

            One dream in particular that she was a part of occurred two nites ago. It was one of those crazy-ass dreams where nothing needs to make sense and its just kinda fun to go through, you know?

            This dream had me, Eric Chloupek, Rachel Samson, some kid I don’t know in real life but was great friends with in the dream, and some other assorted cast in some kind of magic-mall, where everyone was happy and good times were always at hand.

            At one point, Eric and I were talking to a drunken, scraggly Russell Crowe about how bad “Master and Commander” was. Rachel told me to get my camera, but I didn’t dare take a picture of Mr. Crowe… he’da prolly killed me. Twice. But instead he just followed us around.

            At another point I was called in to talk with the evil wizard manager of the mall. During this section I was not only magically welded to a chair, but I was forced to cut a tracking device out of my hand and place it on the wizard’s butler.

            And another event, at some kind of ball, had Sarah there. She was telling us how she hadn’t died and we were trying to tell her that she did in fact die and she thought we were crazy. This is a reoccurring theme in my Sarah-related dreams… only they usually take place in an elevator of some kind.

            And lastly, my girlfriend, who may or may not be the girl I’m currently dating… I only spoke with her on the phone, was telling me how much she loved me and couldn’t wait for me to come home.

            It was about this time that, while in the dream, I started to put two and two together and realize that it was totally a dream. But usually when this happens I’m able to take slight control over the dream and alter things. Not so in this case.

            So, stripped of that power, I started talking to people within the dream about it. People I talked to included Josh Helzer, my father and brother, Rachel, Wales (in person), and the other guy I don’t know but was real good friends with in the dream.

            I gave them a speech about how stuff couldn’t be real… my sister was really dead and there were no magic-malls and no way Russell Crowe thought I was cool enough to hang out with. They listened and all of them managed to talk me out of it. Somehow they found a way to pull a “If this is a dream then how come I can remember things you don’t know about?” And then they would pull a “If this is a figment of someone’s imagination, what really makes it any different than real life?” And it worked! I would reply, but they were rite. If it was a dream and I knew about it, I should be able to force any memory I want into their heads and always know what it was. But they kept coming up with stuff I didn’t know about.

            Plus, the bit about it being no different than real life was true, too. How do I know that the dream memories I have aren’t real and the memories I have in real life aren’t just pieces of someone’s imagination?


So, after I finished my conversations, I sat down and thought about it. And I decided that they were ultimately right. I had been convinced that the dream I was in was in fact real life.

            I had just accepted this and decided to settle in when I woke up. I was immediately torn from “real life” and thrust into “real life.”

            Now, instead of a magic-mall of happy-fun-times, I’m stuck in this house where bad stuff can and does happen.

            No awesome characters like Russell Crowe or an evil wizard to deal with. Russell Crowe is a real guy, yes, but a big-ass jerk would only follow me around so he could beat the tar out of me. And wizards don’t exist.

            My sister is not magically alive through some unknown force in this world and I’m stuck living day-to-day to survive the loss.

            I don’t have dozens of friends to hang out with and have great times with. I’m lucky that I have the half-a-dozen I’ve got now.

            And I’m not in a relationship where I can say, “I love you” aloud and get it in return. Heh, in all seriousness, in the relationship I’m in now I’m totally uncomfortable with hugging “she-who-I-am-dating” out of fear that she might get uncomfortable. Which is nothing negative against her, it’s totally a me-thing.

            So, after the shock factor settled, and I’ve compared both worlds that, at one time or another, I believed to be real, I decided that the “dream” version was the better of the two. But it doesn’t matter which one I like better, does it? Just because I like one world better won’t make it real.

            But them I’m sitting there and 2AM, and I think about it some more. What if this life I’m living is the dream? What if it’s a nightmare where nothing works out like it should and does in real life?

            This is not saying that this world is horrible and I hold odium towards it, but compared to the other world, with the magic-mall, this world does kinda stink a bit.

            So, after much deliberation and a hefty amount of thinking, I’ve concluded that both worlds are dreams. In real life I’m probably some coma patient and this life is one end of a dream spectrum and the crazy-fun life is the opposite.

            But what does this mean for me? What life changes am I going to go through now that I know that this life is a lie? What stupid-ass risks am I going to take because its all a dream and I can get away with it?

            The answer to these questions is that I’m not going to do anything different. I’ll leave the crazy, stupid things to my other, magic-mall life. The one I’m in now, the one that I wrote this in, is too far along for a drastic character behavior change. And plus, after maybe a little over a month, I’m going to forget all about this, so there’s no worry there.

            Oh, and everyone reading this, I can’t tell you if you’re real or not because, in all honesty, I don’t know if I’m real. I’ll just tell you that if you read this far, that even if you’re a figment of someone’s imagination, you’re some damn good figments.

            But, I guess what I’m trying to say is that I decided that if I started writing this at 2AM that, after an hour, I’d start to get tired enough to go to sleep. And now that it is 3AM, I think I’ll go to bed.


            Sweet Dreams

-See you next mission!!!


Added April 7, 2016
I can’t believe the things I’m saying here! Its a bold new day for Young Skyler! Talking about hugging, saying “I love you”, and going into great, public detail about emotional things, good and bad. Wow!
And the dream is not one I remember, but I wish I did. Or that it was a movie. Or TV show.
Or graphic novel.
I should write a graphic novel.
Hey, maybe I should be a milk man!

Page 21 – Big Toughie

“That there is Lavos… or ‘Big Toughie,’ as we call him at the ranch”

Well I friggin’ beat Chrono Trigger. That felt hella good, too. Of course, the game tried to screw me over and over again by not letting me see the ending I wanted, but little did they know, I’ve New Game +ed my way to victory!

Uhm… here ya go:

Photobucket is being an ass. That might not load. But on the bright side, its being less of an ass than deviantART. You guys actually get this issue first, for once since that site won’t load anything worth a damn.

Uhm… I lied, no CD review.

Uhm… I got worn out watching a dog run its hardest to chase me in a car. How sad…

Bike riding is kicking my ass. But, oh well. Gotta keep up the work.

{Addition – 4:50 PM}
For those of you that IM through MSN, you know that crazy ass boxes that pop-up? Well, this one came up and read “Why Do I Only Attract Jerks?”

This is what I read:

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I was so Jesus-minded at the time and not in a good way.
THINKING about being in a car and watching a dog chase me is exhausting, now. I am so out of shape.

deviantart – Update

Man oh man, this site wouldn’t let me load #10 last nite, so you’ll have to be stuck getting it today.

I beat the hell outta Chrono Trigger, today…

“That there is Lavos… or, ‘Big Toughie,’ as we call him at the ranch…”

Added March 14, 2017
I like how Young Skyler is totally apologetic about stuff, assuring people that don’t read his comics that he will post them. Ah, well.
Also, I think this was the first time I ever beat CT. Ah, memories.

Page 21 – Two Screwdrivers and a Yardstick

Lavos Beckons… And He Wants Pie

I’m depressed, again. Not, horrible-nasty-“break down and die”-depressed…

I spent the day listening to music while cleaning my room. It was fun!

What did I listen to? Tons of shit! But you can check that out down there, at the bottom.

In my room-cleaning activities, I found one complete load of trash under my bed. About nine pop bottles, wrappers, tissues, and a bunch of other junk. Plus two scredrivers and a yard stick!

I found about a million and a half blank cd cases. Actually, there were dozens around all the corners of the room. I found one round, plastic case… one metal one… 3 2-CD holders, and 3 plain ones. Plus I found two blank DVD cases. Where do I get all these? I have no clue.

ONE– The number of cardboard boxes I wore on my head while running into walls almost non-stop.


FIFTEEN– The number of swears I shouted, three happening when I cut my fingers up and the time I almost shocked myself while replacing a light bulb.

Well, tomorrow I’m just gonna review a CD and call it quits and I wanna watch you try and stop me. And yeah, Magus (the little walking guy) stays.


-See you next mission!!!


Currently Playing
The Very Best of Fleetwood Mac
By Fleetwood Mac
see related
Currently Playing
By Beth Orton
see related

Added April 7, 2016
I should note, that little Magus in the post titles is super cute and awesome. I believe I get Samus running at the bottom, eventually.
My bedroom between high school and college was a pit. It was gross and the whole house should have been lit on fire to protect the world from it.
I did used to have about a billion blank cases all over the place. Why? Eh, why ask such a dumb question.

Page 21 – Just some Jenova Cosplay

The Once and Past King Dalton – Part II

Well… I’ve been spending the day listening to the best music……ever!!! Even though, to do so, I had to play a video game…

Chrono Trigger has the best video game soundtrack of all time. The number one thing I want, now, is the actuall soundtrack to that game. Let’s see is Amazon has it… They do. Hurrah!

I wonder what versions are different than what versions… ?

But this is the one I want:

It’s hella expensive, though, because its an import. I don’t have that kinda money to spend on a CD. Which is sad. Maybe for my birthday (in less than a month, now).

What else has been going on, today? I did battle with some sprinklers and not much else.

Although, also speaking of my birthday… Mutombo, you know… The Listmaker? Yeah, he’s going to start his new list, “The List 2004-2005” at the start of July, as a early birthday present for me. You’ll have to check it out once he gets it started.

Here’s a link:
And here’s a link to his first site, if you want to brush up:

Anywho, Chrono Trigger rocks and, for that matter, so does its soundtrack. No better music to listen to today. Well, the Hoov, but… you know what I mean. Rite? rite?
-See you next mission!!!

Currently Wishing I Owned
Chrono Trigger: Original Sound Version
By Yasunori Mitsuda
see related


{Addition – Later PM}
Yeah, Dalton is my current hero. He’s a bad guy from Chrono Trigger. He’s pretty kick ass:

What else? Oh, uh…. because I love you jerks:

Cosday of the Play:
Today’s cosplay is Jenova. That’s rite, the Final Fantasy VII bitch.

Actually, not much to complain about. I rather like it. Its just… strange enough that it might be granted the awe-friggin’-tastic

Jenova – 9/10

Someone sure did have a lot of time on their hands…
-See you next mission… again!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Man, these long-form, stream of consciousness posts are a bit much. I mean, I understand that I didn’t have a lot else going on in my life, but man alive.
I should buy that Chrono Trigger soundtrack just to rub it in Young Skyler’s stupid face.
….on second though, I can find a ton of better uses for $70.00! Yeesh! I’ll just listen to it on YouTube.

Page 21 – The Once and Past King Dalton

The Once and Past King Dalton

Remember the story of Skyler and his college orientation fun-day-stuff-stuff? Well, the time is finally here for you to read/see all about it!


First I stayed with my older brother, Peter at his place in Des Moines. Look at him go:

While we’re looking, check out this thing he’s got in his kitchen:

And look, I’m on his computer! Check out the wallpaper I put up on his desktop:

Ok, now I’m off to college thinger at Drake. Here’s some nice looking campus pictures:

Look! Its a huge-ass sundial thinger!

Then I had to cross this bridge to get to my dorm:

Now check it out! This is the size of the rooms!

I was so bored, waiting for stuff, that I decided to make my bed:

Then it was time for the first session-thinger. I was in this auditorium:

Then it was back to the dorms for a bit. Here’s and inside view of the building I was in:

And a picture of the hallways in the dorms:

My roomate’s name was Jordan. I don’t know any more about him, really:

Here is a picture of my move-in-date. Not really taken for you, though. I just knew that I’d forget:

That night we played round after round of a game called Taboo. I pwnz at Taboo:

Then I went to sleep. Got up, ate, registered for classes. Here is my first semester class scheduel:

   Monday    uesday    Wednesday    Thursday    Friday    Saturday    Sunday
ENG 092-0
HOW 0212
8:30 am-9:45 am
ENG 092-0
HOW 0212
8:30 am-9:45 am
PHIL 021-0
MED 0115
9:30 am-10:45 am
PHIL 021-0
MED 0115
9:30 am-10:45 am
11am ENG 061-01
HOW 0111
11:00 am-12:15 pm
ENG 061-01
HOW 0111
11:00 am-12:15 pm
FYS 010-0
MERED 0202
12:30 pm-1:45 pm
FYS 010-0
MERED 0202
12:30 pm-1:45 pm
2pm POLS 065-0
MERED 0235
2:00 pm-3:15 pm
POLS 065-0
MERED 0235
2:00 pm-3:15 pm


That’s rite, no classes on Friday. I have two English courses, an Intro to Philosophy, and a political science class.

And, because I’m just done talking about college for now, here’s the new comic I promised you:

I apologize for not only the fact that I had to come up with reasons why I’m not keeping the Jesus Time story going, but also because the hammer I drew was very crude. Sorry, I was in a rush to finish.

I’m almost done with Chrono Trigger. I’ve got wings on the Epoch and am ready to bring Chrono back from the dead. And of course I brought Magus with me. That guy kicks ass!

Later, doods!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I tried my hardest to figure out who was in those last pictures during the Taboo game but heaven help me if I couldn’t figure it out.
I don’t know why that huge gap is there. If there isn’t one, I fixed it. If there is one, I tried to fix it.
That is, I think, still one of the best pictures of that sundial and one of the best pictures I’ve ever taken.