deviantart – Crazy

I’ve had tons of stuff go on but, rather than talk about it here, I’ll just aim you at my xanga.

Don’t know what a xanga is? Well, its a blog thinger, yeah. Kinda lame but I enjoy it. Its where I host the clean version of Jesus Time.

Anyhow, here is a link:

enjoy it and the new Jesus Time

Added March 14, 2017
I used to post clean Jesus Time on Xanga and the violent, filthy, swear-filled version on deviantart.
Don’t follow that link, it goes nowhere.

Page 21 – TONTIE!!!!

Strange Highs and Strange Lows

Ah, a musical reference no one will ever get… how quaint! $1.00 to whoever figures that one out! *points up*

Watched Dr. Strangelove. That was awesome!

I’m not doing anything today. Don’t know if thats good or bad. Realized last nite that I do not have any more Buffy to watch. I’m going to be stuck watching The Tick on my computer, I guess, until I go to college. Oh well.

Is it Friday?

I got Zak started on Max Barry’s “Syrup” (a novel). I think he likes it better than Jenny Gov, which is good, because it is better. To date, everyone that has read one of Max’s books has loved it. People keep giving me crap about Jenny Gov and I won’t stand for it. I think its time I educated the world. With books, this time… not pipes and other hard metal objects.

Human nature is a funny thing. And I mean funny as in that, yes, everyone has “human nautre,” but we react to the same things in different ways because of it. I don’t know, thats the extent of Skyler’s brain hurting “think time,” for today.

I got that L. Ron Hubbard thing back, today. I didn’t make it, no winning win-win-time money for Skyler. Oh well, back to the dra, er… writing board, I guess.

I’m going to Omaha tomorrow at 8am. Seeing the Micheal Moore film, probably Shrek 2, and The Terminal. I’d like to see Napoloeon Dynomite, but… won’t happen. Then I go back to Omaha next Wednesday to see Spider-Man 2 for Peter’s birthday then Thursday we move him into his new place and I’ll be home on Friday.

Then I move into college on August 18th. Oh, but I’ll turn 19 before that. And thats almost what the rest of my summer looks like.

Although I am going car shopping, soon.

{Addition – 2:58PM}
Wanna play a wicked cool “whack-a-mole” type game?
play it. its fun. and addictive.
{Addition – 3:18PM}
I can’t get past friggin’ Level 9!!! I’ve been playing for an hour and a half, now. No letting up, yet, either.

{Addition – 5:41PM}
I beat my high score. Wee.

I rented “Lost Skeleton of Cadavera,” just a bit ago. I can’t wait to see it.

Oh, any my theme song? “Have a Cigar” by Pink Floyd. Don’t know why…

{Addition – 7:15PM}
New record!

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Man, so much good stuff to talk about, here. Napoleon Dynamite! Lost Skeleton of Cadavra! Tontie! Man, I had a sad, sad summer.
(Lost Skeleton holds a 52% on RT! Ha!)
This summer is moving so quickly. I’ll be 19 soon and then I’ll be in college. Its so shocking and so fast. I can’t even believe it.
I don’t now why I wrote that like it was part of the original blog. I’m in a weird mood, today.

Page 21 – Me and the Buffster are Good Friends

A Day In the Life… of Skyler

(Scroll down to today’s first post for Jesus Time 12)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………………………………. day.

Got up. Yeeha, rite? Yeah, s’what I thought, too!

Then what? Oh, yeah! (i’m alrady having trouble remembering my day? crazy!) Ate some Cookie Crisp, had some Dr. Pepper (but not for breakfast), and… what? It’s boring for me to just talk about my day? Well, no one told me this! Fine, rite to the chase, then.

Did some basic cleaning then went out for a really good afternoon(imo, anyhow.)with Rachel Samson. I went mini-golfing in a nice downpour (which let up rite after we got done) and went to wal-mart, stopped and looked at those new, awesome Magnums (the car, not the gun), ate some pizza, and then home. It was, again in my opinion, a really good afternoon.

Then… then! Aww…. the audacity! It was too windy for bike ride. guess that means I’ll just forgo it today. Aww poo.

So that leaves me with… nothing but the Buffster. Which is great. Because the Buffster and I are good pals.

If you get a chance, you should totally check out (yeah, i’m plugging it… again!) The Listmaker 2. It’s gonna be tight! It starts July 1, this year. Its a countdown of video games. a hundred of ’em.

{Addition – 8:26PM}
Oh holy god! my newest guilty pleasure? Old Addams Family reruns on TVLand. I LOVE that show! It’s all about John Astin’s portrayl of Gomez Addams. Yeah, John ASTIN. As in the father of Sean Astin from LotR! Oh yeah!

{Addition – 9:03PM}
Still in love with this:

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Zak inevitably got me a DVD set of the first season of Addams Family and I tried to get through it but that just wasn’t happening. It is a great show and I love it every time I catch it, but that show is more a “HOLY CRAP ITS THE ADDAMS FAMILY!”-type of show that you catch at random, and not a “Hey, wanna watch some Addams Family?”-type.
So I sold it.

Page 21 – Week Late

A Penny Arcade, Just For You!


And, here you go. Almost a week late:

(yes, that IS a mole on Satan’s face in panel one. And again, sorry for the crappy comic!)
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
In the original story idea I’d had, Satan, Jesus, and Captain Pirate Black Jesus were going to get teamed up with the Square Tetris Block, Tanel K Djo from the old Star Wars EU, and Aqua Madoor, a card game monster. Somewhere I have the initial art for both characters and I don’t know why they were going to team up or what I was going to have these characters do. That team-up is literally as far as I ever got with this story.

Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Embarrassingly Wishes for the Narrated Version of “Blade Runner”

A Crazy List

I totally want to rent/buy Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Dr. Strangelove. Like, more than you’ll ever know.

But, anyhow, here’s the list stuff…

Music I need before college:
-Heart: Greatest Hits
-Foreigner: Greatest Hits
-Yes: Greatest Hits
-Steely Dan: Greatest Hits (sure are a lot of those, huh?)
-Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti
-That Chrono Trigger soundtrack (oh yeah!)
-Journey: Greatest Hits
-Tom Petty: Greatest Hits
-Depeche Mode – 101
-Dark Side of the Moon – Pink Floyd (backwards, I know!)

DVD’s I need before college:
-Full Metal Panic vol. 6 and 7
-That nice Pulp Fiction DVD
-Dr. Strangelove
-Army of Darkness
-That nice Akira DVD. Just so I don’t have to take the VHS
-The nice, superbit DVD of The Proffesional
-The Breakfast Club
-The first season of Angel, maybe the first two? Who knows?
-Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs
-Chappelle’s Show Season one. Oh yeah
-The Space Ghost: Coast to Coast DVD set. I love that show!
-Kung Fu: Season 1
-Blade Runner. Some version, but I’d rather the one with narration
-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-Clerks (both the movie and the cartoon. Because both are funny)

Books I need before college:
-Maybe a nicer copy of Battlefield: Earth. Like, something in hardback
-A nice LotR set
-A nice Hobbit (the book, not a little man)
-A good copy of either/both The Illiad and its superior sequel… what’s it called? Illiad 2: Homer’s Revenge?
– A nice, hardback Narnia set. And the right way, where book 1 is “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.” Not the crappy, chronological set.

There’s more crap, somewhere. But, yeah. I would like all that stuff (won’t happen though!). But there ya go.

And no, there is no reason I’m making such a list around my birthday. No reason at all….
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 8, 2016
Every once in a while I stumble upon something I’d said years ago that shocks me to my core.
That I’d wanted the narrated version of “Blade Runner” is the most hauntingly terrible thing I’ve seen, to date.
I have nothing else to say about this list because that “Blade Runner” issue is so grand I can’t even process that this old blog was written by me, anymore. It must have been some dumb kid that didn’t understand the universe.
I hope he died.
Added January 5, 2017
What Recent Skyler said.

Page 21 – Go Suck an Egg

“Go Suck An Egg” – My New Favorite Saying

God dang it

I’m stuck here doing friggin’ thank you notes for the graduation stuff. Not really a pain or anything, but just something that’s getting in the way of the funness.

No Jesus Time today, either. Don’t like it? Go suck an egg!

I don’t wanna go bike riding much either. Oh well… maybe I won’t.

Woke up at noon today. Well… yeah, don’t really feel like talking much about stuff rite now.

Oh well. Maybe later you guys can get some neat info. And a Jesus Time. Stupid friggin’ transfer issues! I’LL KILL YOU! KILL YOU DEAD!!!

{Addition – 3:50PM}
I lied. But here, take this new Greivous picture, instead:

-See you next mission!!!

Added June 22, 2016

Another post that I missed. Whoops! Nothing much to say here aside from how funny it is that Young Skyler complains too much about having zero real responsibilities. YOU suck an egg, Young Skyler!

Page 21 – Page 21’s Page 21

Cheese Sure Is Good

What have I been doing? Well, I’m still writing.

Why don’t I just end it? I can’t just end it! That’d be……. stupid! It’s not even done with the story. My tough spot is getting from the place I am to the place I need to get to. It’s hard.

I played some Crystal Chronicles today. I still hate that game, I guess.

I need to get some money found so’s that I’s can buy the 6th dvd of FMP!… but no money’s to be found’s nowhere’s… s’a shame, really…

Oh well

Uh, Jesus Time tomorrow, I swear. I’m having some transfer/upload issues. eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr

I sure do drink a lot of milk… maybe four or five huge-ass glasses a day. How fun. Well, not fun, really… more like… interesting. Ish.

Page 21 will be done tomorrow. It was supposed to be 10-15 pages long, now it’s almost 21. Oh well. That’d be cool, I guess. To have it be Page 21 and then end with 21 pages. I’d laugh. The story sure will suck, though. I need help. Not mental help, just… to host it somewhere where people can just download the file instead of being forced to read it in crappy fictionpress format. I mean, I’ll still host it there, yeah.. but… yeah…

I don’t have anything else to say? Crazy…

{Addition – 6:40PM}
I’m watching the Simpsons episode where Homer winds up on stage with U2. I love that.
“Wow, look at him go… you’re the real lord of the dance Homer”

I love it because they beat the tar outta him while playing “In the name of love.” I love that part

{Addition – 7:02PM}
Damn it. I have that stupid Page 21 story done, was gonna fictionpress it, but none of the discs in my house seem capable of tansporting it from typing-machine to internet-machine. Damn. Looks like I’m gonna have to do a lot of work to get the worst story I’ve ever writen online.

{Addition – 7:40PM}
Got it done and uploaded. I’m looking for a free text file hosting place or something, dunno. Otherwise look me up here:

Then scroll all the way down to “Page 21.” If you want a copy, just ask me and I’ll send you one

I’m gonna watch “Last Comic Standing” then hours upon hours of Buffy. Well, after being on MSN until around 12AM. Come on and drop a line, chat awhile. I’m bored here! Someone better entertain me!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I used to drink so much milk.
I tried reading Page 21 last night. It didn’t go well. I’m sure I thought I was insanely creative with that story. Even though I was badmouthing it nonstop, here, that’s because I wanted someone to read it and tell me I was wrong. I was always desperate for comments on my writing.
That 80-Year Movie story was such a great idea and I had it come to me right around the time they started making “Boyhood” so I couldn’t have been too far off the mark.
I do believe that link still works to my fictionpress, by the way.

Page 21 – Can’t Ride Naked

Once again, logic defeats itself…

What am I doing today? Maybe uploading the next Jesus Time. I drew it last nite while working on writing three stories at once (HOLY CRAP!)

Uhm… bike ride. Today I thought, “why not try something different?” but found that my “revised path” sucked. I rode through town and it blows chunks. here’s why:
-too much shade
-can’t ride naked through town

anyhow, I’ll be back later. going to watch Euro-Trip

{Addition – 4:39PM}
Whoa… I watched Euro-Trip. good stuff

went and did the five mile. i felt dumb for trying something different. that makes, maybe, seven-eight miles today. whoops.

i’m going to see that new moore film, saturday. farenheit 9/11 or whatever it is. that’ll be good. my folks’ll drag me to shrek 2, too. bleeh

i’ve been neglecting silent hill 2. but that’s ok, since i’m playing wario ware games inc., instead.

oh well

Short Stories I’m Writing
Page 21

The story of a man bred to fight ghosts. He gets kicked off his squad and sent to live with his sister, Kate. Page has to evolve past his macho ghost killer persona and develop a loving relationship with his sister. He must learn to be human. And he needs to stop a ghost from taking over Texas

David and Belinda (working title)
David is dead and has a whole planet to himself. On this planet, he can create any one thing he wants. But only one thing at a time. He creates many things (football, tv, game boy) but ends up falling in love with Belinda, the woman he creates. But when he gets rid of her for something else, she comes back later with no memory of past events. Can David manage to keep himself focused to wanting her?

Love Stories
This is a collection of stories I write that have to deal with love in one form or another. Its really strange that I write these, since I know so little of love and, what I do know, is taken from little experience and Depeche Mode lyrics

Books I’m Writing
The Greatest Work of Fiction Ever (working title)

This book makes no sense. Every aspect of it was stolen from me by things writen/filmed/made years prior. I hate this book now. It was going to be so good, and so long. Oh well, might as well finish it.

Weeder Book 2 (working title (book one has no name, yet!))
I have devised amazing plot twists for this book and book 3. It’s a shame that the backbone for the story of book 2 was Stargate. Crap.

The 80 Year Movie (working title)
This is a story about this thing. Its the first thing I’ve ever attempted to write that was started because I was inspired. It’s almost 150 pages in (typed) and now I don’t know where to go. Shit.

There you go. Enjoy
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Man, I forgot about “David and Belinda” – that is a tragic story. I should write that one out.
I need to get my bike fixed up and out of the garage. I have a burning need to start working out in some capacity again, even if it is just my jogging/situps/pushups routine.
Eurotrip’s RT score? 46%. Much higher than I would have guessed.

Page 21 – Ugh. Another Stupid Questionnaire

Don’t say I didn’t warn you… because that would make you a liar!

1) Full Name: Skyler Bartels
2) Name Backwards: emaN
3) Were you named after anyone? I was named after my sister who was named after my brother. but thats because we were born at different times, you see…
4) Does your name mean anything? no. not yet
6) Screen Name(s): Page 21; Hentai McToonboob
7) Date Of Birth: July 5, 1985
8) Place of Birth: Nebraska
9) Nationality: German, Irish… uh.. Klingon…
10) Current Location: on my ass in front of this computer
11) Sign: Cancer
12) Religion: Undecided
13) Height: 6 foot, one and a half inches
14) Weight: Maybe somewhere near 160? I dunno…
15) Shoe Size: Huge-ass…. which means I don’t know. I’d have to go get a shoe. And I’m not going to right now.
16) Hair color: brownish-blonde, I’m told. I just call it light brown
17) Eye color: blue-green? I dunno, I never look
18) Who do you look like? this dumb bastard that lives in all the mirrors in my house…
19) Belly Button – Innie or Outie?: innie
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed. Like all normal people.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? totally a straight male
Who Is Your…

22) Best friend(s): The internet, cake, video games… uh… Chloupek…
23) Best friend you trust more than anyone: That’s tough… cake
24) Best friend(s) {your sex}: That would be only Chloupek
25) Best friend(s) of the Opposite Sex: Uh… since cake is neither, I’m just gonna say cake, here…
26) Best bud(s): What makes this different than 22? That’s rite… NOTHING!!!
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: I don’t know what she thinks she is, so I’ll say “n/a” for the time being
28) Crush: I’d most like to crush Ron Howard. Into a cube
29) Parent(s): my mom and my dad
30) Worst Enemy: lack of caffine, lack of sleep, lack of video games, and bike rides
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): WTF does this question mean?
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): same as above
33) Funniest friend: cake
34) Craziest friend: uuuh… cake
35) Advice Friend: The internet
36) Loudest Friend: ….video games?
37) Person you cry with: My pillo…… no one. I don’t cry… (play it cool, skyler… no one saw that…)

Do You Have…

38) Any sisters: Yeah. Used to. I still count her as one, though
39) Any brothers: yep. 2
40) Any pets: Dog
41) A disease: YES! It’s called being unable to fly. Damn it!
42) A pager: no
43) A personal phone line: sometimes I wish. just for the internet, though
44) A cell phone: need one
45) A lava lamp: no. lame
46) A pool or hot tub: nope
47) A car: no

Describe Your…

48) Personality: Awesome
49) Driving: Awesome
50) Car or one you want: and Awesome yellow fast car
51) Room: an organized mess
52) Mom: a fantastic influence and one of my better friends
53) School: high school? stinky. Collge? I’ll get back to you on that after 1st semester
54) Bed: an organized mess
55) Relationship with your parent(s): rock-solid

Do You…
56) Believe in yourself: kinda. enough to get by
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t belive in things that aren’t real
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah
59) Consider yourself a good friend: I wish!
60) Get along with your parents: yep
61) Save your e-mail conversations: from time to time
62) Pray: a bit, recently. its worked, too!
63) Believe in reincarnation: not really. a neat idea, but no
64) Like to make fun of people? being a jerk is one of my favorite hobbies!
65) Like to talk on the phone: is it talking? then I love it
66) Like chicken? OH HELL YES!
67) Like to drive: yes
68) Get motion sickness: no
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: yes
70) Eat chicken fingers with a fork: both
71) Dream in color: most of the time
72) Type with your fingers on home row: yes
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: no

What Is/Are/Was…

74) Right next to you: walls. a table. uuuh… that thing over there
75) On the walls of your room: posters. paint. uuh… shelves
76) On your mouse pad: a blue cloth top, thing
77) On your underwear/boxers? I’m totally goin’ commando, rite now
78) Your dream date: the moon. OF SATURN!
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: UK country side
80) Your dream husband/wife: What? this is something a whole post could be based on, not just a quick paragraph
81) Your bedtime: after two hours of Buffy
82) Under your bed: nothing anymore. I cleaned
83) The single most important question: “Why am I doing this questionaire thing?”
84) Your bad time of the day: right when I wake up
85) Your worst fear(s): dying alone. not like, alone-not married, no. I mean, dying in a room all by myself. that’s scary
86) The weather is like: it was pretty good today
87) The time?: 9:19PM
88) The date? June 20, 2004
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: nothing I can think of
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: don’t know
91) Theme song: Cowboy Bebop, doods
92) The hardest thing about growing up: knowing that cheese may someday become scarce
93) Your funniest experience: don’t know
94) Your scariest moment: I have no clue. every nite is scary for me, what with a lethal heart condition and all
95) The silliest thing you’ve said: too many things to list here
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: that’s a good one. I’ll tell you that story, someday. but not today
97) The scariest thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): Don’t know
98) The worst feeling in the world: the loss of a loved one, I think. thats the worst I’ve been through
99) The best feeling in the world: I dunno. I’ll get back to you on that
-See you next mission (sorry for this. I couldn’t resist)!!!

Added April 7, 2016
As always, answers that remain the same will be in BOLD:

1) Full Name: Skyler Christian Bartels
2) Name Backwards: emaN
3) Were you named after anyone?
I was named after my sister who was named after my brother. but thats because we were born at different times, you see…
4) Does your name mean anything?
I think it is a rough version of “scholar” but I could be making that up
6) Screen Name(s): Page 21; Hentai McToonboob, MandangoComplex
7) Date Of Birth: July 5, 1985
8) Place of Birth: Nebraska
9) Nationality:
German, Irish… uh.. Klingon…
10) Current Location: Work
11) Sign: Cancer
12) Religion: Apathy
13) Height: 6 foot, one and a half inches
14) Weight: Closer to 190 than I’d like
15) Shoe Size: 11.5
16) Hair color: brownish-blonde, I’m told. I just call it light brown
17) Eye color:
blue-green? I dunno, I never look
18) Who do you look like? Some folks have said Steven Wilson
19) Belly Button – Innie or Outie?: innie
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed. Like all normal people.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?
totally a straight male
Who Is Your…

22) Best friend(s): Aubrey, Aaron, my brothers, Just Paul
23) Best friend you trust more than anyone: Aubrey
24) Best friend(s) {your sex}: Paul Johnson
25) Best friend(s) of the Opposite Sex: Aubrey
26) Best bud(s): I mean, Justin, Cinnamon Flakes
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Aubrey
28) Crush: I’d most like to crush Ron Howard. Into a cube
29) Parent(s): my mom and my dad
30) Worst Enemy: Time
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): WTF does this question mean?
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): same as above
33) Funniest friend: Jaco
34) Craziest friend: C. Flakes
35) Advice Friend: Pete Bartels
36) Loudest Friend: Aaron
37) Person you cry with: My pillo…… no one. I don’t cry… (play it cool, skyler… no one saw that…)

Do You Have…

38) Any sisters: Yeah. Used to. I still count her as one, though
39) Any brothers: yep. 2
40) Any pets: Dogx3
41) A disease: YES! It’s called being unable to fly. Damn it!
42) A pager
: no
43) A personal phone line: Yes
44) A cell phone: Yes
45) A lava lamp: no. lame
46) A pool or hot tub: Yes!
47) A car: Yep

Describe Your…

48) Personality: Awesome
49) Driving: Cautious
50) Car or one you want: an Awesome yellow fast car
51) Room: Tidy
52) Mom: Oh Jesus. I love my mom.
53) School: NO MORE SCHOOL
54) Bed: Tidy
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Mostly acceptable with 50% of parents

Do You…
56) Believe in yourself: kinda. enough to get by
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t belive in things that aren’t real
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah
59) Consider yourself a good friend: Yes. Or, I try. But fail a ton.
60) Get along with your parents: Sometimes. Enough.
61) Save your e-mail conversations: from time to time
62) Pray:
63) Believe in reincarnation: not really. a neat idea, but no
64) Like to make fun of people? being a jerk is one of my favorite hobbies!
65) Like to talk on the phone:
is it talking? then I love it
66) Like chicken?
67) Like to drive: yes
68) Get motion sickness: no
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: yes
70) Eat chicken fingers with a fork: both
71) Dream in color: most of the time
72) Type with your fingers on home row: yes
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:

What Is/Are/Was…

74) Right next to you: Unity Point Health cup half full (half empty?) with water
75) On the walls of your room: Pictures, art
76) On your mouse pad: nothing
77) On your underwear/boxers? Boxers Briefs
78) Your dream date: Nice dinner in another country
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: UK country side
80) Your dream husband/wife: Aubrey!
81) Your bedtime: After 11pm usually
82) Under your bed: shotgun?
83) The single most important question: “Why am I doing this questionaire thing?”
84) Your bad time of the day: right when I wake up
85) Your worst fear(s): dying alone. not like, alone-not married, no. I mean, dying in a room all by myself. that’s scary
86) The weather is like:
Kinda chilly for California
87) The time?: 15:51PM
88) The date? April 7, 2016
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: One time I almost made Daryl cry in college by pretending to be engaged
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: don’t know
91) Theme song: “excitable boy”
92) The hardest thing about growing up: knowing that cheese may someday become scarce
93) Your funniest experience: Possibly a Blue Man Group show?
94) Your scariest moment: Rolling that car and totalling it
95) The silliest thing you’ve said: too many things to list here
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: that’s a good one. I’ll tell you that story, someday. but not today
97) The scariest thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): Don’t know
98) The worst feeling in the world: the loss of a loved one, I think. thats the worst I’ve been through
99) The best feeling in the world: My pom’s soft fur

Page 21 – Geography Challenges

They call me mellow yellow… And I hate that!

I watched me a film called Ghandi today. I was gonna review it, or something, but if you haven’t seen it you need to be smacked over the head. twice. its a perfect movie and you’ll learn something. then you get smacked over the head again. twice.

went biking today. decided i’m not going to use caps in this post anymore. i should probably go out again, since i didn’t really do a full trip. oh well… on to other things… like, maybe a game of risk? who knows, anymore? who knows…?

i need to finish watching season six of buffy, again. but i always get stuck watching an episode or two and then watching the musical one. its one of the best episodes ever.

i’ve got questions about this, that, and the other thing, but instead of talking about them or even actually coming up with the questions at all, i’ll… i don’t know what this paragraph was supposed to mean. i should probably delete it, but don’t really feel like it, rite now… oh well

the page 21 story is actually going to be a bit longer than i had wanted. oh well, its fun because it sucks and the plot is totally lacking! oh, and i forgot where both boston and chicago were located on a map. whoops! heheheheheh, its still fun to write

anyhow, no jesus time tomorrow because that’d mean i’d have to go draw one, and i don’t really feel like drawing one rite now. i’ll get around to it sometime, though. maybe tuesday…

{Addition – 5:24PM}
Holy Bob, I’m back. With caps.

Bike ride #2 complete. I found someone fun to talk to. What? Start over.

Bike ride #2 complete. On the way back from the country I ran into someone and, while I was riding home through town, they asked why I was doing that. Why I was riding back home through town instead of taking the obvious easy route past the courts until I had to turn. The answer is simple, friend:

After that long a trip, its always best to make sure you’re somewhere public so that, since you’ll probably be worn out and maybe a bit woozy, people will see you. This way, if you fall over and either just black out or die, someone will be able to spot you quicker and, hopefully, pick your pockets.

Simple as that.

Anyhow, I’m going to play Silent Hill 2 again. Tune in tomorrow for what I want for my birthday. It’s mostly music and bad, bad anime. Oh, and this other thing which is so totally random, and another thing which isn’t as random. Check it out, later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I like how total chill I am with meeting someone out in the middle of nowhere while riding my bike. It is a wonder I’ve not been stabbed to death by a stranger.
I’m noticing more and more that these posts contain a ton of worthless paragraphs that I note – in the posts themselves – are worthless. Why am I bothering to write anything at all?
I’m going to reread Page 21, here soon. Should review my own work.