Page 21 – DQ Ice Cream Cake and Chicken Strips

“That’s Not A Snake… It’s A MONSTER!!”

Greetings from Des Moines, everyone! I’m here, safe and sound.

Although now I have nothing else to say. Oh well.

See you all on ForM, where my Spider-Man 2 review shall be. Later!

{Addition – 9:27PM}
Review done. Peter’s birthday, today. Eating DQ ice cream cake and chicken strips. *drool*

Lotsa movin’, tomorrow. That’ll be… fun? Eh.

Spider-Man 2…….. wow. Totally different feel than the first one. Go check it out, though. Oh yeah, totally worth the money. I will go again.

Movies I Must See and Review:
I, Robot – (its been hyped a bit too much)
Catwoman – (I can’t believe this movie is actually not a bad dream of mine.)
Sky Captain and the World of Tomorrow – (oh hell yes!)
and many more…

Well, love to everyone. That means you, and you, and you, and you! But not you, Jeremiah!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
You know, in all my years… I never did see that Catwoman movie. I kinda can’t believe that, honestly. I have willingly sat through a lot of junk.
If I had to do a list of best Comic Book movies, Spider-Man 2 would still rank rather high, I think. But I’m not gonna do that list because I don’t wanna.
I’ve never been a big fan of ice cream cakes. I’ll always prefer regular cake.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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