Page 21 – Dixie Chicks and Feet

It Could Be Made Into A Monster If We All Pull Together As A Team!!!

My current favorite Pink Floyd song, up there.

Pardon, I’m coming home Thursday nite. My dad has to work Friday, so, that’s that. I guess that means… nothing.

I’m going to watch two episodes of Excel Saga tonite, then watch Millenium Actress, because I can. Then, after inspiration hits me, I’ll wish I could write. But I won’t be able to. Because I’ll be in a van. Going to Omaha. Then seeing Spider-Man 2. Which I’m seeing again Saturday. Who will go with me? Will it be you!?

Well… I got some *shudder* Dixie Chicks to listen to. Rachel, I swear… if you didn’t pick the only CD ever made with feet on it on purpose, then coincidence is just evil. And… I gotta get up early and take the dog in and board her. And… take movies back. Yeah, fun day ahead.

At least the lawn has been mowed, already…

{Addition – Later, such as…. the next day!}
Taking the dog in. I wanna be back home by 9ish. then I’ll give you a real post before I go. Or… not. MUAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAH!!!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
As punishment for forcing music on her, Rachel made me listen to a BUNCH of country music. Including the Dixie Chicks. I was probably nice about it when I gave my opinion when I returned it.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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