Page 21 – yay.

Avengers, Unite!

The Avengers were pretty cool, only they really always ended up needing Thor to come in and save the day. Kinda like how, in the comic books (not the cartoon), the Justice League always called in Superman if the going got tough.

Rachel: Your pick. Be random. I don’t really care. It’s up to you. That work out for you? Just call before you do the drop off so you know I’m around. But you’ll be getting something random from my collection, too. Be warned.

I’m going to Hastings in a bit, here. Gonna rent “Dr. Strangelove” so Zak can see it, might rent “Pulp Fiction” or some random anime if I see something I like. Then I gotsta buy dog food.

Bike riding last nite almost killed me. My brain still kinda hurts. Today when I go (aiming for 4:00PM although I don’t know why…) I’m taking it at a nice, slow pace.

Wanna read my horrible Page 21 story? Click: {Link}


Anyhow, its about time for me to go in. I got my Depeche Mode and Hooverphonic ready. I’ll be back with… something else, later. And I gotta do another friggin’ Jesus Time before tomorrow.

{Addition – 2:56PM}
I’m either going to Dodgeball or White Chicks tomorrow nite. I want to see one throw away film before Spider-Man 2, that way I can appreciate good cinema a little bit more.

Couldn’t find the cd-tape player thinger. Oh well, I’m glad I made a tape of Depeche Mode. I’m almost done with this phase where they’re all I can listen to.

I’d better review those two movies I saw while they’re still a bit fresh in my mind… and I got to get it done in under one hour! So, see you folks later!

{Addition – 3:49PM}
Movies reviewed. Check them out here: {Link}

Goin’ biking. Back in 30-40ish
Moments Later
That was not a bike ride, the bike rode me most of the way back. I got to the country and had been hearing strange noises the whole time. Turns out that I think that bike is deadish kinda and it gets kinda iffy if you put weight on it. And since it was faster than just walking the bike home, I swung it over my shoulders and carried it home. That was actually more of a workout than I intended to get, today. Oh well.

{Addition – 7:22PM}
Gonna eat and watch Short Circuit and Dr. Strangelove. Projected time of online reappearance: 10ish PM.
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 8, 2016
There was apparently a time in which I was willing to part with money to see White Chicks in the theater.
I remember exactly what happened and where when that bike started to fall apart and I remember carrying the damned thing home on my back. It was like a mile and a half walk from where I’d stopped. What a pain.
I like that Zak’s comments are completely boiled down to a single word: “yay.”

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Page 21 – yay.”

  1. White Chicks looks really funny, but I’ll most likely wait to rent it. There’s only so much money and lots of movies that I absolutely want to see in the Theater. Gotta draw the line somewhere.


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