Page 21 – They Aren’t Even HALF-Starts…

Back, This Time With Actual News

Well, not really. Check later for some details on the movies I watched. But later like, I dunno… tomorrow…?

I have some strange story I was gonna write tonite, but I need to eat pizza then go biking before it gets too dark.

Then I was going to compare Depeche Mode and determine if their early days, middle work, or latest music is the best. But I got lazy…

Tomorrow, I don’t know what I’m going to do.

Rachel Samson, I’m ready. Music me up, woman.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I was just telling Pete, yesterday, about my penchant during this summer to write a paragraph about something I wanted to say but then backing out and saying “nevermind” but leaving the paragraph in there.
This entire post is written that way. Why even make the post?
Oh, also, snagged the Samus and Magus GIFs just in case.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Page 21 – They Aren’t Even HALF-Starts…”

  1. Awesome! Whaddyou want first?!? I’ve got a lot! Patsy Cline (that’s the country that Xander’s listening to first season of Buffy in the last episode) or Dixie Chicks or Sheryl Crow or Yuki Kajiura or Christina Jennings?!?! Well, that’s not a lot, but you’ve heard stuff from half the other CDs I have, so tell me what you wanna listen to, okay!?!?!?!?


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