Page 21 – TONTIE!!!!

Strange Highs and Strange Lows

Ah, a musical reference no one will ever get… how quaint! $1.00 to whoever figures that one out! *points up*

Watched Dr. Strangelove. That was awesome!

I’m not doing anything today. Don’t know if thats good or bad. Realized last nite that I do not have any more Buffy to watch. I’m going to be stuck watching The Tick on my computer, I guess, until I go to college. Oh well.

Is it Friday?

I got Zak started on Max Barry’s “Syrup” (a novel). I think he likes it better than Jenny Gov, which is good, because it is better. To date, everyone that has read one of Max’s books has loved it. People keep giving me crap about Jenny Gov and I won’t stand for it. I think its time I educated the world. With books, this time… not pipes and other hard metal objects.

Human nature is a funny thing. And I mean funny as in that, yes, everyone has “human nautre,” but we react to the same things in different ways because of it. I don’t know, thats the extent of Skyler’s brain hurting “think time,” for today.

I got that L. Ron Hubbard thing back, today. I didn’t make it, no winning win-win-time money for Skyler. Oh well, back to the dra, er… writing board, I guess.

I’m going to Omaha tomorrow at 8am. Seeing the Micheal Moore film, probably Shrek 2, and The Terminal. I’d like to see Napoloeon Dynomite, but… won’t happen. Then I go back to Omaha next Wednesday to see Spider-Man 2 for Peter’s birthday then Thursday we move him into his new place and I’ll be home on Friday.

Then I move into college on August 18th. Oh, but I’ll turn 19 before that. And thats almost what the rest of my summer looks like.

Although I am going car shopping, soon.

{Addition – 2:58PM}
Wanna play a wicked cool “whack-a-mole” type game?
play it. its fun. and addictive.
{Addition – 3:18PM}
I can’t get past friggin’ Level 9!!! I’ve been playing for an hour and a half, now. No letting up, yet, either.

{Addition – 5:41PM}
I beat my high score. Wee.

I rented “Lost Skeleton of Cadavera,” just a bit ago. I can’t wait to see it.

Oh, any my theme song? “Have a Cigar” by Pink Floyd. Don’t know why…

{Addition – 7:15PM}
New record!

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Man, so much good stuff to talk about, here. Napoleon Dynamite! Lost Skeleton of Cadavra! Tontie! Man, I had a sad, sad summer.
(Lost Skeleton holds a 52% on RT! Ha!)
This summer is moving so quickly. I’ll be 19 soon and then I’ll be in college. Its so shocking and so fast. I can’t even believe it.
I don’t now why I wrote that like it was part of the original blog. I’m in a weird mood, today.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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