Page 21 – Me and the Buffster are Good Friends

A Day In the Life… of Skyler

(Scroll down to today’s first post for Jesus Time 12)
mmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmmm………………………………. day.

Got up. Yeeha, rite? Yeah, s’what I thought, too!

Then what? Oh, yeah! (i’m alrady having trouble remembering my day? crazy!) Ate some Cookie Crisp, had some Dr. Pepper (but not for breakfast), and… what? It’s boring for me to just talk about my day? Well, no one told me this! Fine, rite to the chase, then.

Did some basic cleaning then went out for a really good afternoon(imo, anyhow.)with Rachel Samson. I went mini-golfing in a nice downpour (which let up rite after we got done) and went to wal-mart, stopped and looked at those new, awesome Magnums (the car, not the gun), ate some pizza, and then home. It was, again in my opinion, a really good afternoon.

Then… then! Aww…. the audacity! It was too windy for bike ride. guess that means I’ll just forgo it today. Aww poo.

So that leaves me with… nothing but the Buffster. Which is great. Because the Buffster and I are good pals.

If you get a chance, you should totally check out (yeah, i’m plugging it… again!) The Listmaker 2. It’s gonna be tight! It starts July 1, this year. Its a countdown of video games. a hundred of ’em.

{Addition – 8:26PM}
Oh holy god! my newest guilty pleasure? Old Addams Family reruns on TVLand. I LOVE that show! It’s all about John Astin’s portrayl of Gomez Addams. Yeah, John ASTIN. As in the father of Sean Astin from LotR! Oh yeah!

{Addition – 9:03PM}
Still in love with this:

-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Zak inevitably got me a DVD set of the first season of Addams Family and I tried to get through it but that just wasn’t happening. It is a great show and I love it every time I catch it, but that show is more a “HOLY CRAP ITS THE ADDAMS FAMILY!”-type of show that you catch at random, and not a “Hey, wanna watch some Addams Family?”-type.
So I sold it.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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