Page 21 – Go Suck an Egg

“Go Suck An Egg” – My New Favorite Saying

God dang it

I’m stuck here doing friggin’ thank you notes for the graduation stuff. Not really a pain or anything, but just something that’s getting in the way of the funness.

No Jesus Time today, either. Don’t like it? Go suck an egg!

I don’t wanna go bike riding much either. Oh well… maybe I won’t.

Woke up at noon today. Well… yeah, don’t really feel like talking much about stuff rite now.

Oh well. Maybe later you guys can get some neat info. And a Jesus Time. Stupid friggin’ transfer issues! I’LL KILL YOU! KILL YOU DEAD!!!

{Addition – 3:50PM}
I lied. But here, take this new Greivous picture, instead:

-See you next mission!!!

Added June 22, 2016

Another post that I missed. Whoops! Nothing much to say here aside from how funny it is that Young Skyler complains too much about having zero real responsibilities. YOU suck an egg, Young Skyler!

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Page 21 – Go Suck an Egg”

  1. that Greivous picture is pretty nifty

    did I just hear a mutant cricket chirp come from your site???
    aww well, it’s not as annoying as my site is
    can’t beat me there


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