Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Embarrassingly Wishes for the Narrated Version of “Blade Runner”

A Crazy List

I totally want to rent/buy Close Encounters of the Third Kind and Dr. Strangelove. Like, more than you’ll ever know.

But, anyhow, here’s the list stuff…

Music I need before college:
-Heart: Greatest Hits
-Foreigner: Greatest Hits
-Yes: Greatest Hits
-Steely Dan: Greatest Hits (sure are a lot of those, huh?)
-Led Zeppelin – Physical Graffiti
-That Chrono Trigger soundtrack (oh yeah!)
-Journey: Greatest Hits
-Tom Petty: Greatest Hits
-Depeche Mode – 101
-Dark Side of the Moon – Pink Floyd (backwards, I know!)

DVD’s I need before college:
-Full Metal Panic vol. 6 and 7
-That nice Pulp Fiction DVD
-Dr. Strangelove
-Army of Darkness
-That nice Akira DVD. Just so I don’t have to take the VHS
-The nice, superbit DVD of The Proffesional
-The Breakfast Club
-The first season of Angel, maybe the first two? Who knows?
-Aqua Teen Hunger Force DVDs
-Chappelle’s Show Season one. Oh yeah
-The Space Ghost: Coast to Coast DVD set. I love that show!
-Kung Fu: Season 1
-Blade Runner. Some version, but I’d rather the one with narration
-Close Encounters of the Third Kind
-Clerks (both the movie and the cartoon. Because both are funny)

Books I need before college:
-Maybe a nicer copy of Battlefield: Earth. Like, something in hardback
-A nice LotR set
-A nice Hobbit (the book, not a little man)
-A good copy of either/both The Illiad and its superior sequel… what’s it called? Illiad 2: Homer’s Revenge?
– A nice, hardback Narnia set. And the right way, where book 1 is “The Lion, The Witch, and the Wardrobe.” Not the crappy, chronological set.

There’s more crap, somewhere. But, yeah. I would like all that stuff (won’t happen though!). But there ya go.

And no, there is no reason I’m making such a list around my birthday. No reason at all….
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 8, 2016
Every once in a while I stumble upon something I’d said years ago that shocks me to my core.
That I’d wanted the narrated version of “Blade Runner” is the most hauntingly terrible thing I’ve seen, to date.
I have nothing else to say about this list because that “Blade Runner” issue is so grand I can’t even process that this old blog was written by me, anymore. It must have been some dumb kid that didn’t understand the universe.
I hope he died.
Added January 5, 2017
What Recent Skyler said.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

2 thoughts on “Page 21 – In Which Young Skyler Embarrassingly Wishes for the Narrated Version of “Blade Runner””

  1. Yeah. Hey, I don’t have to do anything with the guys on Friday, but I think today will still probably be better if we’re doing anything ’cause I’ve got flute tomorrow around four. I’ll call you sometime in the late morning hopefully.


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