Page 21 – Page 21’s Page 21

Cheese Sure Is Good

What have I been doing? Well, I’m still writing.

Why don’t I just end it? I can’t just end it! That’d be……. stupid! It’s not even done with the story. My tough spot is getting from the place I am to the place I need to get to. It’s hard.

I played some Crystal Chronicles today. I still hate that game, I guess.

I need to get some money found so’s that I’s can buy the 6th dvd of FMP!… but no money’s to be found’s nowhere’s… s’a shame, really…

Oh well

Uh, Jesus Time tomorrow, I swear. I’m having some transfer/upload issues. eeeeeeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrr

I sure do drink a lot of milk… maybe four or five huge-ass glasses a day. How fun. Well, not fun, really… more like… interesting. Ish.

Page 21 will be done tomorrow. It was supposed to be 10-15 pages long, now it’s almost 21. Oh well. That’d be cool, I guess. To have it be Page 21 and then end with 21 pages. I’d laugh. The story sure will suck, though. I need help. Not mental help, just… to host it somewhere where people can just download the file instead of being forced to read it in crappy fictionpress format. I mean, I’ll still host it there, yeah.. but… yeah…

I don’t have anything else to say? Crazy…

{Addition – 6:40PM}
I’m watching the Simpsons episode where Homer winds up on stage with U2. I love that.
“Wow, look at him go… you’re the real lord of the dance Homer”

I love it because they beat the tar outta him while playing “In the name of love.” I love that part

{Addition – 7:02PM}
Damn it. I have that stupid Page 21 story done, was gonna fictionpress it, but none of the discs in my house seem capable of tansporting it from typing-machine to internet-machine. Damn. Looks like I’m gonna have to do a lot of work to get the worst story I’ve ever writen online.

{Addition – 7:40PM}
Got it done and uploaded. I’m looking for a free text file hosting place or something, dunno. Otherwise look me up here:

Then scroll all the way down to “Page 21.” If you want a copy, just ask me and I’ll send you one

I’m gonna watch “Last Comic Standing” then hours upon hours of Buffy. Well, after being on MSN until around 12AM. Come on and drop a line, chat awhile. I’m bored here! Someone better entertain me!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
I used to drink so much milk.
I tried reading Page 21 last night. It didn’t go well. I’m sure I thought I was insanely creative with that story. Even though I was badmouthing it nonstop, here, that’s because I wanted someone to read it and tell me I was wrong. I was always desperate for comments on my writing.
That 80-Year Movie story was such a great idea and I had it come to me right around the time they started making “Boyhood” so I couldn’t have been too far off the mark.
I do believe that link still works to my fictionpress, by the way.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Page 21 – Page 21’s Page 21”

  1. Milk used to be the only beverage I drank, besides the occasional Dr. Pepper or Apple Juice. Like you, I’d drink a couple huge glasses of it a day *which with all the growth hormones in it I’m surprised I only reached a height of 5’3.”* Anyways, once I got to college that all changed… you see, I became warry of my source of milk at school, so I forced myself to drink water. Now I don’t drink as much milk as I used to…it makes my bones sad.
    Your bones are happy, keep ’em that way.


  2. Miiilk! Yeah, with all the white stuff I used to drink, I’m suprised I’m not alot taller. Thats sad! ;__;CHEEEEEEEESE!~Sam


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