Page 21 – Can’t Ride Naked

Once again, logic defeats itself…

What am I doing today? Maybe uploading the next Jesus Time. I drew it last nite while working on writing three stories at once (HOLY CRAP!)

Uhm… bike ride. Today I thought, “why not try something different?” but found that my “revised path” sucked. I rode through town and it blows chunks. here’s why:
-too much shade
-can’t ride naked through town

anyhow, I’ll be back later. going to watch Euro-Trip

{Addition – 4:39PM}
Whoa… I watched Euro-Trip. good stuff

went and did the five mile. i felt dumb for trying something different. that makes, maybe, seven-eight miles today. whoops.

i’m going to see that new moore film, saturday. farenheit 9/11 or whatever it is. that’ll be good. my folks’ll drag me to shrek 2, too. bleeh

i’ve been neglecting silent hill 2. but that’s ok, since i’m playing wario ware games inc., instead.

oh well

Short Stories I’m Writing
Page 21

The story of a man bred to fight ghosts. He gets kicked off his squad and sent to live with his sister, Kate. Page has to evolve past his macho ghost killer persona and develop a loving relationship with his sister. He must learn to be human. And he needs to stop a ghost from taking over Texas

David and Belinda (working title)
David is dead and has a whole planet to himself. On this planet, he can create any one thing he wants. But only one thing at a time. He creates many things (football, tv, game boy) but ends up falling in love with Belinda, the woman he creates. But when he gets rid of her for something else, she comes back later with no memory of past events. Can David manage to keep himself focused to wanting her?

Love Stories
This is a collection of stories I write that have to deal with love in one form or another. Its really strange that I write these, since I know so little of love and, what I do know, is taken from little experience and Depeche Mode lyrics

Books I’m Writing
The Greatest Work of Fiction Ever (working title)

This book makes no sense. Every aspect of it was stolen from me by things writen/filmed/made years prior. I hate this book now. It was going to be so good, and so long. Oh well, might as well finish it.

Weeder Book 2 (working title (book one has no name, yet!))
I have devised amazing plot twists for this book and book 3. It’s a shame that the backbone for the story of book 2 was Stargate. Crap.

The 80 Year Movie (working title)
This is a story about this thing. Its the first thing I’ve ever attempted to write that was started because I was inspired. It’s almost 150 pages in (typed) and now I don’t know where to go. Shit.

There you go. Enjoy
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 8, 2016
Man, I forgot about “David and Belinda” – that is a tragic story. I should write that one out.
I need to get my bike fixed up and out of the garage. I have a burning need to start working out in some capacity again, even if it is just my jogging/situps/pushups routine.
Eurotrip’s RT score? 46%. Much higher than I would have guessed.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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