Page 21 – Geography Challenges

They call me mellow yellow… And I hate that!

I watched me a film called Ghandi today. I was gonna review it, or something, but if you haven’t seen it you need to be smacked over the head. twice. its a perfect movie and you’ll learn something. then you get smacked over the head again. twice.

went biking today. decided i’m not going to use caps in this post anymore. i should probably go out again, since i didn’t really do a full trip. oh well… on to other things… like, maybe a game of risk? who knows, anymore? who knows…?

i need to finish watching season six of buffy, again. but i always get stuck watching an episode or two and then watching the musical one. its one of the best episodes ever.

i’ve got questions about this, that, and the other thing, but instead of talking about them or even actually coming up with the questions at all, i’ll… i don’t know what this paragraph was supposed to mean. i should probably delete it, but don’t really feel like it, rite now… oh well

the page 21 story is actually going to be a bit longer than i had wanted. oh well, its fun because it sucks and the plot is totally lacking! oh, and i forgot where both boston and chicago were located on a map. whoops! heheheheheh, its still fun to write

anyhow, no jesus time tomorrow because that’d mean i’d have to go draw one, and i don’t really feel like drawing one rite now. i’ll get around to it sometime, though. maybe tuesday…

{Addition – 5:24PM}
Holy Bob, I’m back. With caps.

Bike ride #2 complete. I found someone fun to talk to. What? Start over.

Bike ride #2 complete. On the way back from the country I ran into someone and, while I was riding home through town, they asked why I was doing that. Why I was riding back home through town instead of taking the obvious easy route past the courts until I had to turn. The answer is simple, friend:

After that long a trip, its always best to make sure you’re somewhere public so that, since you’ll probably be worn out and maybe a bit woozy, people will see you. This way, if you fall over and either just black out or die, someone will be able to spot you quicker and, hopefully, pick your pockets.

Simple as that.

Anyhow, I’m going to play Silent Hill 2 again. Tune in tomorrow for what I want for my birthday. It’s mostly music and bad, bad anime. Oh, and this other thing which is so totally random, and another thing which isn’t as random. Check it out, later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I like how total chill I am with meeting someone out in the middle of nowhere while riding my bike. It is a wonder I’ve not been stabbed to death by a stranger.
I’m noticing more and more that these posts contain a ton of worthless paragraphs that I note – in the posts themselves – are worthless. Why am I bothering to write anything at all?
I’m going to reread Page 21, here soon. Should review my own work.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

4 thoughts on “Page 21 – Geography Challenges”

  1. No one has slapped me yet.
    Buffy The Musical is one of my favorite episodes. In fact I have the songs in my media player and Spikes song is on. 
    later kiddo


  2. OH OH! I’ve seen that episode tooo! I laughed so hard that by the end of it, I was suprised to learn that I hadn’t laughed my insides outside…~Sam


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