Page 21 – Ugh. Another Stupid Questionnaire

Don’t say I didn’t warn you… because that would make you a liar!

1) Full Name: Skyler Bartels
2) Name Backwards: emaN
3) Were you named after anyone? I was named after my sister who was named after my brother. but thats because we were born at different times, you see…
4) Does your name mean anything? no. not yet
6) Screen Name(s): Page 21; Hentai McToonboob
7) Date Of Birth: July 5, 1985
8) Place of Birth: Nebraska
9) Nationality: German, Irish… uh.. Klingon…
10) Current Location: on my ass in front of this computer
11) Sign: Cancer
12) Religion: Undecided
13) Height: 6 foot, one and a half inches
14) Weight: Maybe somewhere near 160? I dunno…
15) Shoe Size: Huge-ass…. which means I don’t know. I’d have to go get a shoe. And I’m not going to right now.
16) Hair color: brownish-blonde, I’m told. I just call it light brown
17) Eye color: blue-green? I dunno, I never look
18) Who do you look like? this dumb bastard that lives in all the mirrors in my house…
19) Belly Button – Innie or Outie?: innie
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed. Like all normal people.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other? totally a straight male
Who Is Your…

22) Best friend(s): The internet, cake, video games… uh… Chloupek…
23) Best friend you trust more than anyone: That’s tough… cake
24) Best friend(s) {your sex}: That would be only Chloupek
25) Best friend(s) of the Opposite Sex: Uh… since cake is neither, I’m just gonna say cake, here…
26) Best bud(s): What makes this different than 22? That’s rite… NOTHING!!!
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: I don’t know what she thinks she is, so I’ll say “n/a” for the time being
28) Crush: I’d most like to crush Ron Howard. Into a cube
29) Parent(s): my mom and my dad
30) Worst Enemy: lack of caffine, lack of sleep, lack of video games, and bike rides
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): WTF does this question mean?
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): same as above
33) Funniest friend: cake
34) Craziest friend: uuuh… cake
35) Advice Friend: The internet
36) Loudest Friend: ….video games?
37) Person you cry with: My pillo…… no one. I don’t cry… (play it cool, skyler… no one saw that…)

Do You Have…

38) Any sisters: Yeah. Used to. I still count her as one, though
39) Any brothers: yep. 2
40) Any pets: Dog
41) A disease: YES! It’s called being unable to fly. Damn it!
42) A pager: no
43) A personal phone line: sometimes I wish. just for the internet, though
44) A cell phone: need one
45) A lava lamp: no. lame
46) A pool or hot tub: nope
47) A car: no

Describe Your…

48) Personality: Awesome
49) Driving: Awesome
50) Car or one you want: and Awesome yellow fast car
51) Room: an organized mess
52) Mom: a fantastic influence and one of my better friends
53) School: high school? stinky. Collge? I’ll get back to you on that after 1st semester
54) Bed: an organized mess
55) Relationship with your parent(s): rock-solid

Do You…
56) Believe in yourself: kinda. enough to get by
57) Do you believe in love at first sight? I don’t belive in things that aren’t real
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah
59) Consider yourself a good friend: I wish!
60) Get along with your parents: yep
61) Save your e-mail conversations: from time to time
62) Pray: a bit, recently. its worked, too!
63) Believe in reincarnation: not really. a neat idea, but no
64) Like to make fun of people? being a jerk is one of my favorite hobbies!
65) Like to talk on the phone: is it talking? then I love it
66) Like chicken? OH HELL YES!
67) Like to drive: yes
68) Get motion sickness: no
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: yes
70) Eat chicken fingers with a fork: both
71) Dream in color: most of the time
72) Type with your fingers on home row: yes
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal: no

What Is/Are/Was…

74) Right next to you: walls. a table. uuuh… that thing over there
75) On the walls of your room: posters. paint. uuh… shelves
76) On your mouse pad: a blue cloth top, thing
77) On your underwear/boxers? I’m totally goin’ commando, rite now
78) Your dream date: the moon. OF SATURN!
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: UK country side
80) Your dream husband/wife: What? this is something a whole post could be based on, not just a quick paragraph
81) Your bedtime: after two hours of Buffy
82) Under your bed: nothing anymore. I cleaned
83) The single most important question: “Why am I doing this questionaire thing?”
84) Your bad time of the day: right when I wake up
85) Your worst fear(s): dying alone. not like, alone-not married, no. I mean, dying in a room all by myself. that’s scary
86) The weather is like: it was pretty good today
87) The time?: 9:19PM
88) The date? June 20, 2004
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: nothing I can think of
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: don’t know
91) Theme song: Cowboy Bebop, doods
92) The hardest thing about growing up: knowing that cheese may someday become scarce
93) Your funniest experience: don’t know
94) Your scariest moment: I have no clue. every nite is scary for me, what with a lethal heart condition and all
95) The silliest thing you’ve said: too many things to list here
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: that’s a good one. I’ll tell you that story, someday. but not today
97) The scariest thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): Don’t know
98) The worst feeling in the world: the loss of a loved one, I think. thats the worst I’ve been through
99) The best feeling in the world: I dunno. I’ll get back to you on that
-See you next mission (sorry for this. I couldn’t resist)!!!

Added April 7, 2016
As always, answers that remain the same will be in BOLD:

1) Full Name: Skyler Christian Bartels
2) Name Backwards: emaN
3) Were you named after anyone?
I was named after my sister who was named after my brother. but thats because we were born at different times, you see…
4) Does your name mean anything?
I think it is a rough version of “scholar” but I could be making that up
6) Screen Name(s): Page 21; Hentai McToonboob, MandangoComplex
7) Date Of Birth: July 5, 1985
8) Place of Birth: Nebraska
9) Nationality:
German, Irish… uh.. Klingon…
10) Current Location: Work
11) Sign: Cancer
12) Religion: Apathy
13) Height: 6 foot, one and a half inches
14) Weight: Closer to 190 than I’d like
15) Shoe Size: 11.5
16) Hair color: brownish-blonde, I’m told. I just call it light brown
17) Eye color:
blue-green? I dunno, I never look
18) Who do you look like? Some folks have said Steven Wilson
19) Belly Button – Innie or Outie?: innie
20) Righty, Lefty, or Ambidextrous?: Right handed. Like all normal people.
21) Gay, Straight, Bi, or Other?
totally a straight male
Who Is Your…

22) Best friend(s): Aubrey, Aaron, my brothers, Just Paul
23) Best friend you trust more than anyone: Aubrey
24) Best friend(s) {your sex}: Paul Johnson
25) Best friend(s) of the Opposite Sex: Aubrey
26) Best bud(s): I mean, Justin, Cinnamon Flakes
27) Boyfriend / Girlfriend: Aubrey
28) Crush: I’d most like to crush Ron Howard. Into a cube
29) Parent(s): my mom and my dad
30) Worst Enemy: Time
31) Favorite on-line Guy(s): WTF does this question mean?
32) Favorite on-line Girl(s): same as above
33) Funniest friend: Jaco
34) Craziest friend: C. Flakes
35) Advice Friend: Pete Bartels
36) Loudest Friend: Aaron
37) Person you cry with: My pillo…… no one. I don’t cry… (play it cool, skyler… no one saw that…)

Do You Have…

38) Any sisters: Yeah. Used to. I still count her as one, though
39) Any brothers: yep. 2
40) Any pets: Dogx3
41) A disease: YES! It’s called being unable to fly. Damn it!
42) A pager
: no
43) A personal phone line: Yes
44) A cell phone: Yes
45) A lava lamp: no. lame
46) A pool or hot tub: Yes!
47) A car: Yep

Describe Your…

48) Personality: Awesome
49) Driving: Cautious
50) Car or one you want: an Awesome yellow fast car
51) Room: Tidy
52) Mom: Oh Jesus. I love my mom.
53) School: NO MORE SCHOOL
54) Bed: Tidy
55) Relationship with your parent(s): Mostly acceptable with 50% of parents

Do You…
56) Believe in yourself: kinda. enough to get by
57) Do you believe in love at first sight?
I don’t belive in things that aren’t real
58) Consider yourself a good listener: yeah
59) Consider yourself a good friend: Yes. Or, I try. But fail a ton.
60) Get along with your parents: Sometimes. Enough.
61) Save your e-mail conversations: from time to time
62) Pray:
63) Believe in reincarnation: not really. a neat idea, but no
64) Like to make fun of people? being a jerk is one of my favorite hobbies!
65) Like to talk on the phone:
is it talking? then I love it
66) Like chicken?
67) Like to drive: yes
68) Get motion sickness: no
69) Eat the stems of broccoli: yes
70) Eat chicken fingers with a fork: both
71) Dream in color: most of the time
72) Type with your fingers on home row: yes
73) Sleep with a stuffed animal:

What Is/Are/Was…

74) Right next to you: Unity Point Health cup half full (half empty?) with water
75) On the walls of your room: Pictures, art
76) On your mouse pad: nothing
77) On your underwear/boxers? Boxers Briefs
78) Your dream date: Nice dinner in another country
79) Your dream honeymoon spot: UK country side
80) Your dream husband/wife: Aubrey!
81) Your bedtime: After 11pm usually
82) Under your bed: shotgun?
83) The single most important question: “Why am I doing this questionaire thing?”
84) Your bad time of the day: right when I wake up
85) Your worst fear(s): dying alone. not like, alone-not married, no. I mean, dying in a room all by myself. that’s scary
86) The weather is like:
Kinda chilly for California
87) The time?: 15:51PM
88) The date? April 7, 2016
89) The best trick you ever played on someone: One time I almost made Daryl cry in college by pretending to be engaged
90) The weirdest food or drink that you like: don’t know
91) Theme song: “excitable boy”
92) The hardest thing about growing up: knowing that cheese may someday become scarce
93) Your funniest experience: Possibly a Blue Man Group show?
94) Your scariest moment: Rolling that car and totalling it
95) The silliest thing you’ve said: too many things to list here
96) The funniest or most desperate thing you’ve done to get the attention of the opposite sex?: that’s a good one. I’ll tell you that story, someday. but not today
97) The scariest thing that’s ever happened while with your friend(s): Don’t know
98) The worst feeling in the world: the loss of a loved one, I think. thats the worst I’ve been through
99) The best feeling in the world: My pom’s soft fur

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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