Page 21 – “If I Had a Nickel for Every Time I Got a Nickel, That’d be a Pretty Sweet Setup”


Like Neo before me, I have “Whoa’d”

Spent the weekend out, and apparently missed the landing of aliens. Uh, listened to every goddamn Hooverphonic album I own (which is now, finally, all of them!) and, uh… ok, here goes.

Saw Harry Potter. It was ok. Not as good as the last one.

A round of applause for Rachel Samson. The dog was alive and well when I returned home. If I haven’t told you already, thanks much!

What else have I got?
“If I had a nickel for every time I got a nickel, that’d be a pretty sweet setup”
-Peter Bartels

what else, what else, what else…

uuuuuh….. Nothin’? Yeah, that sounds about rite. Forgot to take my camera with me. Heh, sorry…

Anyhow, I guess I’m taking off for now. I still gotta fit in a bike ride (yeah rite!) tonite. Later, kiddos
{Addition – 9:15PM}
No bike ride. Whoops.
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
I wish I’d taken more pictures in my youth…
That Pete quote!
Rachel Samson must have come over to let the dog out and keep her fed this weekend. I have no memory of such a thing.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

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