Page 21 – Wrong Version of Names

and no, I didn’t forget about this:

And now that I’ve got your attention, I’ll make a small, real post.

The Alley of the Damned Part II

I’m heading out for the weekend today. Going to spend the nite tonite in Omaha, do stuff tomorrow. I might have to go see Harry Potter, but thats a-ok because it’ll have Gary Oldman in it. And I like him. He and Allen Rickman should get into a fight. But at the end, Allen would fall out of a window and Gary would walk away only to see the pin from the grenade in his hand as he explodes. That’d be cool. Whoa, totally off topic, there.

I’m not a liar, Rachel. The only person here who is a liar is… well, ok. Me. But anyhow…

Anyhow, I’ll probably be back Saturday nite. Maybe I’ll catch some of you then! OOH! OOH! With pictures (maybe)Later!
-See you next mission!!!

Added April 7, 2016
Jesus Time is heating up!
I don’t remember why we were going to Omaha, unless it was just to see the movie? Who knows. I’m sure I’ll explain it, eventually.
Too bad I didn’t know how to spell Alan Rickman’s name. Now he’s dead and he’ll never know the shame I feel, now.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

5 thoughts on “Page 21 – Wrong Version of Names”

  1. yahoo! pictures are the best!
    i had this really freaky dream last night
    …well…dreams. and in one part i was for some reason at ur house. but ur house was like a tree house. and ur family came home and i think you gave me chinese to read. then i couldnt find it before i left and i kept looking all around ur house for it…and ur family thought i was a weird lil girl. and then ur house started to fall out of the tree…so we had to go and find a chimminy (sp?) and i think the one we stole came from a giant.
    and then the next thing i know im in another dream where ppl i know are locked up in jail…that is if jail is like a pig farm. and i was the warden. haha… yea, weird night.


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