Page 21 – Raxephexphaxaphalon

Plastic Bag Clips Are Now Sheep

I woke up today at about 11, stayed in bed until 1PM. That was the coolness. I watched maybe the first two DVD’s of that Rexephexaphalphalon (sp?) and its ok. It’s no Bebop. But it’s ok.

It’ll be tough for any anime show to top Bebop for me. But we’ll see. No final words yet.

Uhm… I need to go biking. And I need to, I dunno… do something. Otherwise I’ll spend the day watching that show.

Peter heads into work today. No that wasn’t me. I didn’t get up anywhere near that time of day. And yes, it is scary that it is June already.

I have orientation at Drake in Des Moines Iowa this month! WAAAAH! That happens on the 10th and 11th (thursday and friday). That should be… interesting…

Hey! I’ll be 19 on July 5th of this year! how about that? Not that that means much…

Well, because I love you guys, the new Jesus Time
-See you next mission!!!


Added April 7, 2016
Man, Jesus Time had some quality ideas behind it.
Drake Orientation is inbound. Scary.

Author: skyler bartels

just when you thought it was safe to be skyler bartels....2

3 thoughts on “Page 21 – Raxephexphaxaphalon”

  1. I think it means something. Heheheh, I wouldn’t know what though.
    And of course, keep ’em coming!~Sam


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